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New magic max hits.


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Using one of the staffs listed in the new update on the home page, increases your magic damage by 10%.

I'll post the new max hits with burst/blitz when I hit them. And barrage when i get a master wand on my main.


Its good news for 94 magers who can afford master wands. Question - if you used a masterwand would you get a better max over some1 using a ancient staff or would they both be the same max.


Its good news for 94 magers who can afford master wands. Question - if you used a masterwand would you get a better max over some1 using a ancient staff or would they both be the same max.

Would both hit the same. But i like master wand.


burst, 10% of 22, is 2.2? aded onto it 24, blitz 2.6m added onti it, 28, barrage, 3.0, aded onti it 33? miasmic barrage is a 35 i think, this is what iv been told though.


burst, 10% of 22, is 2.2? aded onto it 24, blitz 2.6m added onti it, 28, barrage, 3.0, aded onti it 33? miasmic barrage is a 35 i think, this is what iv been told though.

Burst is 24, blitz is 28, barrage is 33, miasmic is 36 I think.

I've hit burst and blitzs' max but i forgot to screenie. :X


New maxes r pro.

24 with burst makes easier rock lobbing


wow i bet staffs will go way up

Thats why i boguht master wand, ancient staff now, so i get them cheaper. XD


Finally mismic barraging has a use for me


41 with miasmic barrage in CW i believe lol


what if u use ancient staff or master wand, and are using fire blast? will that hit harder then too? or how does this work?


Wow that's pretty cool lol.


Finally a cmb-magic update


This is why I stayed 1 prayer. I can now autocast the god spells and be able to bind for 15 seconds and teleblock before being able to autocast a 20 second spell 9 magic levels higher.

Austin|Vile Maul

Idc if they go up, price stays same at dt guy


Idc if they go up, price stays same at dt guy

You're kidding right?


Idc if they go up, price stays same at dt guy

You're kidding right?

You can only buy one Ancient Staff from himĀ  :huh:


When i readed u can auto cast from spellbook, no staff needed i was very happy i always wanted to cast auto cast sara strike which hits 30's i touth gf ancient staff until i readed the 10% harder hit il try to merch them atm i hope they go up!


When i readed u can auto cast from spellbook, no staff needed i was very happy i always wanted to cast auto cast sara strike which hits 30's i touth gf ancient staff until i readed the 10% harder hit il try to merch them atm i hope they go up!

I hit 33s' with claws of guthix. Gf.

Also, I bought 30 master wands at 1.3M each. and used ALL of my junk, to sell them at 10m each.

Ohh, how i love the junk drop parties. :D Also got 200 ahrims staffs,which ive made 150k prof/each on.

I'm raking it in on this update.

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