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Congrats to Jagex.

William l Gf Kim Jong

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William l Gf Kim Jong

Jagex i want to say congrats for making this game WOW, an action bar that's original making a game entirely mains see the resemblance i think this game needs to be Runescape not World of Warcraft, we play Runescape to play Runescape not World of Warcraft or some other mmo. No offense to anyone who thinks this good but i'm just saying we should try to make this game the best we can not make this game the best Blizzard can.

Even though some of you may disagree i am happy to hear every bodies opinion


yup get in line 2 quit m8

William l Gf Kim Jong

Im guessing Jagex will see how many people quit and cry.


theres a beta for IRLscape i heard its gonna be good

Ya i am Good

theres a beta for IRLscape i heard its gonna be good

that sounds dangerous idk if im okay with change like that


copied and pasted... i'm fucking scared........ :ph34r:

Tanking will be a fully supported play style in the new combat system, with lots of extra lifepoints for tanks, and abilities that they can use to force NPC's to attack them and not their friends. You can also put debuffs on PVP targets so that they do less damage to other players if they dont attack you.

Pures are not being outlawed in the new system, but it you have chosen not to train your defence, you will find yourself at a disadvantage in combat. It will be much more important to wear armor of the appropriate level for the target you are fighting, as in the new system armour gives you lots more lifepoints. For example, someone with 99 Attack and Strength and 1 Defence will almost certainly get steamrolled by someone with say, 50 Defence.


when are you gonna grow brains and get defense jesus

o wait 80% of you already do


True dat tho man, i hope its not as bad as it sounds.

William l Gf Kim Jong

I don't like that they said we are "Abusing the system"



Time to make a tank


People making threads like these are getting annoying now. You've not even seen what the update will be like - all that has been released is a simple preview of some fo the attack styles and a few lines of writing. I don't think any one can complain till at least the beta comes out and you can test if it effects anything...give Jagex some more credit I'm sure they do work very hard towards updates.

Ready Ok FOE

fuck rs


agreed, it looking more and more alike like other mmos.

too bad how it went down but it was obvious that it would come to this point some time


blizzard > jagex anyways



theres a beta for IRLscape i heard its gonna be good

that sounds dangerous idk if im okay with change like that


Meh, aslong as pure clanning still works I'll keep playing. Other than trips I'm not really at my laptop now. Don't really feel like wasting time slaving away when there's a chance it will get fucked up anyway.


theres a beta for IRLscape i heard its gonna be good

that sounds dangerous idk if im okay with change like that


Meh, aslong as pure clanning still works I'll keep playing. Other than trips I'm not really at my laptop now. Don't really feel like wasting time slaving away when there's a chance it will get fucked up anyway.

Pretty sure he was being sarcastic.

camels milk

i hope that they are going to change their mind and not releasing the new combat system :o

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