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What I have to do over the next 42 days of cutting to hit that lower bf^

Back and biceps inabit mates.

Also calling out agginmemnon m8 who are you?

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Tuesday 23/10/2012


Weights/reps might have gone down from previous workouts due to correcting form/technique from the labs I attend at uni.

Pull Ups body weight - 12-10-9

Chin Ups body weight - 11-9-8

Lat Pull down - 65 x 10-9-7 (Fixed form, much more stricter now after learning the form from uni)

Bent over BB rows - 40 x 12-9-8 Super set with rowing machine 60 x 11-9-8

Deadlifts - 90 x 12-10-8 (Haven't been deading for long)

Bicep Barbell Curls - 25 x 12-11-10 (Strict form, none of that back shit)

One arm seated dumbell curls - 9 x 12-11-9 ( Slow strict negatives)

20 minutes of cardio at 70% of max heart rate and walked home after which was roughly 400 calories~

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Nice roids mate go hard you big alpha pig.

Joe I do warm up I just don't post the warm up set.

Legs/Abs today.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't been keeping up with this, final three weeks at uni and been pretty busy mates. Still gyming.

Thursday 1/11/2012 - Shoulders

Military Press - 45kg x 11-9-8

Arnold Press - 20kg x 10-9-8

Upright Row - 35kg x 12-11-10 - superset - Rear dealt raises dbs strict- 10kg x 12-10-8

Lateral raises - 8 kg x 10-9-8 superset front raises - 8kg x 9-8-7

Shurgs - Dbs - 30kg x 15-12-10

Shurgs - Smith machine - 80kgs x 12-10-9

No Cardio

That was yesterday.


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Am still working out, just not logging it.



DB Flat Bench: 35 x 12-10-8

DB Incline Bench: 30 x 11-10-8

DB Flyes: 18 x 12-10-9

Seated Military: 45 x 12-10-8

Arnold Press: 20 x 12-10-9

Upright Row: 35 x 12-10-8 Superset -> DB rear dealt raises 11-9-8

Chest cables under 12.5 x 15-12-10

Chest cables over 15 x 12-10-8

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Pull ups wide: 8-6-5

Lat pull down strict: 65 x 12-10-9

Deadlift: 100 x 12-10-9

BB row: 50 x 12-10-8

Seated Row: 40 x 12-10-8

One arm row cables: 20 x 15-12-10 each arm.

5km run.

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DB Flat Bench: 35 x 11-10-8

BB Incline Bench: 50 x 12-10-8

DB Flyes: 18 x 12-10-9

Chest cables under 12.5 x 15-12-10

Chest cables over 15 x 12-10-8

Seated Military: 45 x 12-10-8

Shoulder Press: 25 x 12-10-9

DB Upright Row: 12's x 12-10-8 Superset -> DB rear dealt raises 11-9-8

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just signed up for 3 months of gym for $100 at a gym here in Australia, cheap as fuck will start today..

Supplements that I were already at my parents place when I got to Aus:

Whey, Casien, Preworkout, Creatine.

Where I'm at currently, would like to drop maybe 1% more bodyfat in two weeks. Would of been mean to hit sub 10% but just wasn't going to happen with the process of moving country. Upping the cardio of the next few weeks.




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Weighed in this morning at 81.3, gonna make Mondays weigh in day.

Did Chest/Shoulders today, mainly chest.

Flat DB Bench - 30 x 15, 32.5 x 12, 35 x 10.

Incline Db Bench - 26 x 12, 27.5 x 10, 28 x 9.

DB Flyes - 18 x 12 x 3

Cables - 15 over, 15 under x 10-12 x 3

Military press - 40 x 12, 35 x 10, 30 x 8 drop set.

Lateral raises - 10kg x 12-15 x 3

20 mins cardio on bike hiit , about 217 calories.

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  • 2 months later...

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