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What do to with this acc? Any advice


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Sorry about the pictures didnt know how to upload them right just click on it and it will make it bigger


if its your only pure then max it out, it's looking good so far

barrage/burst 99 mage

chin 99 range

bandits are easily afkable for str/attack

gl :)


if its your only pure then max it out, it's looking good so far

barrage/burst 99 mage

chin 99 range

bandits are easily afkable for str/attack

gl :)


I have another acc too it has 1 def :) and i can easily quest and get the stats up . made this acc 7 days ago and only 29qp till fully quested. it has 43 summ and i plan to get 99 on it


make it maxed and join foe :)


either stay 60 attack 2 def and join foe

or get 80 attack 30-35 def n join foe



lmfao at all the gravites

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