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Cake (Orange Tucan)'s Second Commentary - Day 2!

Cake N Spoon

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I Skype Moms

You like Kool A.D im taking it

Cake N Spoon

You like Kool A.D im taking it

51 has some of the most chillest kickin' it music and I needed some smooth songs so I used all of album 51 for commentaries 1 and 2. Probably going to use the Palm Wine Drinkard for the next few videos and then move onto something else.

I Skype Moms

You like Kool A.D im taking it

51 has some of the most chillest kickin' it music and I needed some smooth songs so I used all of album 51 for commentaries 1 and 2. Probably going to use the Palm Wine Drinkard for the next few videos and then move onto something else.

Yea hes good I like Electrum not bad

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