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fire cape 1prayer


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note: this is NOT me, and this is NOT the lowest combat to get fire cape.

This no longer works, jagex fixed it.

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<+[Foe]Vlooieneuker> !stats sayank

-[QA]RuneScript- *** [ SAYANK ]: Magic 67 | Agility 30 | Construction 34

1) Go world 31

2) Have house building off

3) Keep teleing to your house till you have invalid teleport

4) Go to rock crabs travel the boat

5) Turn into a penguin with the suit after talking to larry

6) Turn building mode on

7) It'll automatically tele you to your house.

8) You will still be in your penguin suit.

9) Go to barbarian asault, climb down the lader, climb up, have any cape with u, put the cape on, now u have clockwork suit in your inv.

10) Talk to the tutor and watch one of the tutorials (defender, attacker, collector, doesnt matter wich 1) after doing it ur magic tab will open.


11) Walk to fight caves, you can't teleport or it doesn't work.

12) You cannot wield a staff or book.

13) Manually cast spells and the monsters won't attack back.

taken from purecommunity.com and zybez.net


I don't suggest doing it because it is bug abuse.


will it be fixed tomorrow? because its like midnight here =[


all the people that get one and dont get banned will have one of the rarest accounts in the game :p


are u sure, positively sure this works?


are u sure, positively sure this works?

Yes, 3 of my friends have done it.

I heard that this was patched? Or was it spread around so people wouldn't leak it more?


People will get banned for this. Guaranteed.


id do it but i don't wanna get banned =/


Haha wow. So many steps to do it, how do these people figure it out


Meeh i have one already. cba manually casting shit spells to get a 2nd..

not to mention u gotta do that pingu quest lol


I has a level 39 with 70 mage. Off to caves methinks.


whats the penguin quest? and now you can auto cast without a staff, can you do that? or u still gotta make it so u have to click the whole time?


ya what is the penguin quest? and does the auto cast work?


i did it yesterday but trying now and it no longer works i belive =[


Meeh i have one already. cba manually casting shit spells to get a 2nd..

not to mention u gotta do that pingu quest lol

Right click spell > autocast.


Meeh i have one already. cba manually casting shit spells to get a 2nd..

not to mention u gotta do that pingu quest lol

Right click spell > autocast.

u couldnt autocast when i did it, with new spellbook.


u couldnt auto cast and they fixed it today.


got patched today. no longer works


Meeh i have one already. cba manually casting shit spells to get a 2nd..

not to mention u gotta do that pingu quest lol

Right click spell > autocast.

u couldnt autocast when i did it, with new spellbook.

Assumed by post date that you could of. Sorry for my faggotry. ;)


I saw a video 2 days ago expalining this but unfortunatly you needed 50 con to do this so I couldn't do it :/. It was allways a one off thing and was obvs going to be fixed withing 24 hours so you had to do it then and there.

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