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Is it even worth it to finish working on a pure, with the new update to combat?


yes and to join foe.


Just get turmoil and you'll be safe :cool:


ive just heard the whole "omg pures are gonna be fucking useless now" ect. ect.


ive just heard the whole "omg pures are gonna be fucking useless now" ect. ect.

Nah, the changes that Jagex is announcing/making aren't even final yet. The beta will probably be a crash and burn and they're going to have to change shit, just watch.


My current stats, is it worth finishing him? not worried about the pray level seeing as it will be turm anyway



yh keep training up if u havent bought bones for turm buy them now they are gonna go up in price


yes its pure vs pure u dont have to fight mains


Yeh man just chinn your range to 99 and if the new combat update comes out and it's shit go turm or something


I ehh just dont get this... evry 1 simply saying , just get turm in my eyes its still fkn 100-200M cash wich i dont have and u ppl think that evry one is hella rich or what?

help meee l0l


get to the reqs and join man

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