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Hello guys, I'm having a bit of a problem deciding what to do next with my 1 defence pure.

Here is the back story : I decided to go for 77 pray about 3 months ago, to have Rigour and Augury. I started training prayer little by little, but 2 weeks ago, I was reading for the new combat update, and they are removing these prayers from the game, making 77 prayer useless, an extra 25 prayer levels. I was at 70 prayer when I read that, and I immediately stopped. TOO LATE MOTHAFUCKA, im stuck with 18 prayers levels extra.

So, I was talking with kyle in TS tonight and he said go turm, which is a potential outcome, but I always wanted a good 1 defence pure, and I particularly love this one. What do you guys think about that, should I go 35 def maxed out agile pure, 30 def and whatnot, or just stay 1 def.

I know this is somewhat of a long read, so for the TL:DR peeps ; I got 70 pray on my 1 def pure, what next.

Here are some pictures of the aforementioned account (my baby :P)




get ur dung up first


35 def agile niggggaaaaaa


if you want to clan thn go turm

for just pk stay 1def


pk = 1 def clan = 30 def what belgian fgt said


Thanks for the input. But will pking with 30 turm be bad ? Because it seems as If i have to choose betwen good pk acc and good clanning acc.


Thanks for the input. But will pking with 30 turm be bad ? Because it seems as If i have to choose betwen good pk acc and good clanning acc.

If you stay 60attack and go turm it can still be effective when pking BUT now adays if you do go turm you will be fighting faggots with like 50def even at a low cb like 80-90


Dunno tbh, turm is a large chunk of change that you aren't even close to. You went for 77 prayer too early in my opinion, that should be gotten when you're maxed or near maxed so that it helps out the clan, but doesn't fuck up your combat level. And its hard to say because of the combat update, but whatever the outcome turm will always be a safer option over 1 defence, so its your call man


wait what??? theyre removing augury/rigour??

What the fuck they thinking to do with this scape???


Yeah, Augury and Rigour will now have a 70 def requirement :s


get foe reqs and join foe


Apparently prayer doesn't count towards ur cb lvl?

Thats what i heard..

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