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Jagex's Most Recent Updates On The Evolution of Combat

Cake N Spoon

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Cake N Spoon
Posted (edited)
Give rangers and mages a fighting chance – build a real combat triangle.

Perhaps one of the most contentious aims set out for the rework was to address the combat triangle. Firstly, it’s worthwhile pointing out that RuneScape has always been a melee-centric game, by which I mean that melee has always been the easiest, most accessible combat style to engage with, and 95% of the NPCs in the game are melee-based creatures. Rangers and mages have always had advantages in rare, self-contained situations in the game, but mostly it’s all about the melee combat. That’s our fault and it’s all about to change - but by raising the effectiveness of a ranger or mage to the level of a melee fighter; not by nerfing the melee user.

Awwwww dicks, monsters gettin' some updates.

We’re also changing your base effectiveness against opposite points of that combat triangle, so – for example - mages will find themselves at a huge advantage over melee targets, both in PvP and in PvE. That’s the same for rangers vs mages and melee vs rangers. One of the great things about RuneScape is that it doesn’t force you to only adopt one combat style,and you should be given plenty of opportunities to make good use of each. We’re changing a huge number of NPCs to start using range or mage skills rather than only using melee, so, if you’ve got specific targets you wish to fight, you might want to change your combat style to be as effective (and efficient) as possible against them.


Food healing based on your constitution and defense

Fix the Defence and life points.

It’s really difficult to create a balanced experience for players if they use items intended for players far higher in level than they are. While we can control this quite nicely with wielding requirements, it’s much more difficult with things like food. After all, there’s nothing stopping a low-level player eating rocktails and drinking brews all day (aside from the cost, of course) but, if they do, it makes it nigh-impossible for us to create balanced, challenging content for them. You can hardly balance a fight assuming that all players are using high end consumables...unless they are high level.

So, we made the difficult choice to link life point healing directly to the Constitution level of the player. So, if you’re eating food intended for a player of a considerably higher level, we will be limiting the amount of healing it can do. For example, players around level 50 in Constitution should really be eating lobsters. If they choose to eat sharks, they still can, but it won’t heal any more than the lobster will.

New armors such as bandos helmet + shield and shit. Also with this comes new requirements to wear armors, I think rune armor is getting bumped up to 50 defense.

Oh, and the big mystery, pures get fucked hard now.

So, a big part of the challenge was about making the Defence skill more attractive for players to level up. We’ve solved this by adding a range of Defence-only abilities that give you more tactical choices, and tie many of those abilities to actually using a shield, or shield-like equivalent for mages and rangers.

We have also given players a significant life point boost if they wear armour appropriate for their level. Wearing appropriate armour can contribute as much as 90% of your total life points; more so if you choose to wield a shield as well. This means that a player with the right armour for their level (assuming that a player’s Defence level is roughly the same as their offensive stat) will have ten to fifteen times the life points of someone wearing no armour at all. The lower the level of the armour, the fewer points it can give you.


Whatever nigga fuck it yolo.

Some other things I didn't really highlight:

Prayer + summoning are getting nerfed pretty much. Herblore sounds like ti could be getting potentially nerfed because you'll be able to use overloads and what not in the wilderness. So uhh yeah. I'm gonna go rune pure when this shit is finally released.

its gonna be good for 1 def

Edited by Cake N Spoon

gf pures gf clans gf this game


foe till i die niggggggggggga


Like it has been for the past few years, pures will continue to fight pures lol

Have you seen how the combat levels will be calculated? Someone with Def will be higher level than a pure anyway, it honestly wont matter tbh

Cake N Spoon

Like it has been for the past few years, pures will continue to fight pures lol

Have you seen how the combat levels will be calculated? Someone with Def will be higher level than a pure anyway, it honestly wont matter tbh

then we'll be 1bangs with legs considering someone with 50 def will have 15x our hitpoints and be able to slap us once to ko us.


Like it has been for the past few years, pures will continue to fight pures lol

Have you seen how the combat levels will be calculated? Someone with Def will be higher level than a pure anyway, it honestly wont matter tbh

wrong tbh people will make account aimed at raping pure as the first pures were aimed to raping mains if someone with say straight 80s and 50def will rape a straight 90s 1def account people will do that the only account that wont really lose out will be maxed mains


not sure if stupid

In edge it will still be pures vs pures. At 1 def how many zerks do you think you will fight?

Do you really think defence will be so op that zerks with 45 def 55 str will be able to 'slap us once to ko us'?

regardless what that says, a maxed pure, in the hands of a capable person will still be able to drop people with defence


Like it has been for the past few years, pures will continue to fight pures lol

Have you seen how the combat levels will be calculated? Someone with Def will be higher level than a pure anyway, it honestly wont matter tbh

wrong tbh people will make account aimed at raping pure as the first pures were aimed to raping mains if someone with say straight 80s and 50def will rape a straight 90s 1def account people will do that the only account that wont really lose out will be maxed mains

80 + 50 def = 130 cb

90 + 1 = 91 cb


Cake N Spoon
Posted (edited)

not sure if stupid

In edge it will still be pures vs pures. At 1 def how many zerks do you think you will fight?

Do you really think defence will be so op that zerks with 45 def 55 str will be able to 'slap us once to ko us'?

regardless what that says, a maxed pure, in the hands of a capable person will still be able to drop people with defence

99+1+2 = 102


someone with 50/50/50 can rape a pure due to armor special abilities and the amount of HP + tanking advantages they'll have...

edit: Pures were made to rape mains, mains are now going to be made to rape pures. Armors will now have strength bonus even if they're as basic as a rune platebody.

Edited by Cake N Spoon

lol @ how you think 50/50/50 will be able to beat a maxed pure

don't know where you're getting these ideas from, did jagex release a vid of this fight?

Jagex have previously stated if you only have offensive capabilities your hp will be boosted by around x10, and will a full high leveled armour set the max boost will be x15

50 = 500lp, 500*15 = 7500

99 = 990lp, 990*10 = 9900

seems like pures still have more hp

Cake N Spoon

lol @ how you think 50/50/50 will be able to beat a maxed pure

don't know where you're getting these ideas from, did jagex release a vid of this fight?

Jagex have previously stated if you only have offensive capabilities your hp will be boosted by around x10, and will a full high leveled armour set the max boost will be x15

50 = 500lp, 500*15 = 7500

99 = 990lp, 990*10 = 9900

seems like pures still have more hp

whatever keeps you pure mate


pm when good at arguing


meh the game died a while ago, this is just the ko.

Cake N Spoon

pm when good at arguing

don't have to try and argue anything, just look at every topic i've made that's been keeping track of every update jagex is making for the combat evolution shenanigans. i'm not gonna dispute facts and said knowledge, that's just silly.


Just read it, was just about to post it on these forums but then I saw this.

Anyways, 50 Defence for rune? That sure is a huge change.. It's always been 40!

But yeah, not a long time left until we'll see how much 50 Attack, 50 Defence and 50 Strength will rape. I honestly hope it won't be overpowered lol


you've quoted jagex from their homepage topics and in most cases misunderstood or misinterpreted what you've read, there are no clear 'facts and knowledge' when it comes to interpreting what Jagex have said. No point making any claims until tomorrow


lol skiddz vs cake


I see a lot of people legitimizing their pures. Defense is going to be the new strength. I think everyone should keep their pures, but start making 70+ defense accounts.


im with skiddz not gonna lie, i just cant see a maxed pure getting 1 banged by someone with 50 attack 50 str 50 def, no matter what the str bonus of armor its just not gonna amount to an instant death. yeah in a dm im sure the defensive account will win every time, but isnt that true with pures and zerks most of the time nowadays anyway? pures were meant to be a ko machine, literally made for the knockout hit, not made to outlast in a fight. i dunno who said it but true story about pures fighting pures as it is anyways, just prepared to get dds's as loot for the rest of your life. but what do i know, i havn't had a pure in years

Its zeh noob

devolution of combat*

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