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My GP Log

Adam | LayDown

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Adam | LayDown

[glow=red,2,300]GP LOG![/glow]

So i decided i am now going to devote the next couple of weeks to making as much money as i can, whether its flipping or killing monster. i am going to update this daily. I have a feeling at first it will b slow but as i increase my $$ flipping etc. will get easier.


Posted Image



Yours truly, cp. Ours truly this life!

ily adam.

Adam | LayDown

wtf cody?


nice im doing the same atm while going for 90 fish, 22m cash now making 1k sharks + 1.6m  flipped when i try + have time 1.5m minimum


Gl everyones a flipper nowadays.


GL I am so lazy to make money.

I just PK and hope the money comes pouring in.

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