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Failed pure?


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I was tbing the day after the new mage book with the def icon clicked in, WHICH I DID NOT DO. What should I do?

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90% - 'Oh don't worry about it, you're not failed, dude it doesn't even affect combat just ignore it it's not that bad'

5% - 'what the fuck it's a fucking defence level i can't even believe this motherfucking a just get over it loser it's rs goddamit patrjpawejfpaiwjepjfaw'

5% - 'well... time for 99 tbh.'



I'm not too fond of the 52 prayer but other than that your doing fine. Most people usually get a few defense levels, it really doesn't make that much of a difference if you can get past knowing your pure isn't perfect.


id start over since prayer isn't needed anymore.


A lot of pures are 2 defense these days... one defense level is not worth starting over with your stats. Just keep on going; what ever you do, do NOT purposely get 10 or 20 defense.


l0l. Its 2 def, most pures are 2 def, just leave it. lol


Do not start over. Most Pures are 2 defense. You will most likely be the same combat when you are maxed, if you attempt to get there.


DO NOT START OVER! Its the stupidest thing ive ever heard starting over coz of 2 defence. Im pretty sure it will go past 2 defence accidents happen you cant just give up coz you get def to 2. I got my def all the way to 17 by accident with whip glitching and other things but now im 25 def and I dont touch a whip >.<


I remember when I was nearly maxed and let my buddie on my account. He got me 3 Defence so I decided to go for 99.

2 defence is the worse defence level, go for 20.


Yeah, I know the prayer kinda fails. I got it 2 days before the protect item update.


dont start over its not worth getting ll those stats plus addy gloves again. alot of pures have 2 def anyways


Yeah 2 defense usually kills a pure tbh.

That's why I quit my other accounts when I got 2 defense on them.


i got 2 defense the other day, idk why someone would start over becuz of it...not like it affects anything? people who start over coz of 2 def are perfectionists.

2 def ftw


Ouch 0.somthing of a combat level.


The prayer is more of a worry personally just raise your stats.


still good bro, compare to mine =p. i fail more than u ><

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