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Pures nerfed? think again were even stronger.


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Watch both of them and tell me what you think lads.


pure vs pure were ok

pure vs main



True but thats were abilities and summoning come in. Make a req of summoning. So we can strip them for their valuable shit.

Edit: their will also be specific accounts that balance defence and good stats that would kill pures too. Rushing isnt completely over also.


i would like to see the first fight, but without you farcasting to see what the outcome would be.


Ye but this is pking in max gear lol


would like to see 50v50 pls its great saying pures wont die 1v1 but tbh no1 gives a shit people want to find out if warring will be good or not coz tbh loads of people only play for their clan as wildy kinda died ages ago..


would like to see 50v50 pls its great saying pures wont die 1v1 but tbh no1 gives a shit people want to find out if warring will be good or not coz tbh loads of people only play for their clan as wildy kinda died ages ago..

ya i dont want clanning to die

I Skype Moms

True but thats were abilities and summoning come in. Make a req of summoning. So we can strip them for their valuable shit.

Edit: their will also be specific accounts that balance defence and good stats that would kill pures too. Rushing isnt completely over also.

Rushing lmfao........ face to the palm


LOL 2nd vid maining gets fucking wrecked


i think thats 1def is completely ruined but for turm pures its alright

however i coulndt play a game like that so i'd quit pretty soon after update


wont know til we know


True but thats were abilities and summoning come in. Make a req of summoning. So we can strip them for their valuable shit.

Edit: their will also be specific accounts that balance defence and good stats that would kill pures too. Rushing isnt completely over also.

Rushing lmfao........ face to the palm

and anyone can go out and kill kids that don't know how to play the new beta, but when people know how and you only have 3k hp what happens.. in multi..

Life To Dds

Lmfa sick shit


Dude the guy you were fighting in first clip didnt have a clue what he was doing....


Thats not me int he videos and true we wont really know fully remember this is still a BETA.


Still shit


Yeah i looked more closely in the vid and were gonna need some kiind of def req.


Main clans are going to destroy pure clans in the EOC wilderness, all they have to do is run in and use one or two abilities and thats one kill on your 2000 - 3000 hp. They could wipe a pure clan clean in about 30 seconds


Everyone he's fighting has no idea what they are doing for the most part. He's still pretty good though

Beta PKing can be fun, but nothing compared to nowadays PKing


and i thought about coming back to rs for a bit...


ugh I wish they just made this rs3 and left the rs we know now alone, it's already dead enough


pure vs pure were ok

pure vs main


R 4 P 1 D Z

this is gona suck

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