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Ughaz Pk Video One.


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Well i decided to make a video as its one of the only things im yet to do on RS. Its 'editted' using WMM however i've not editted any of the clips apart from cutting them down as i don't really want to make myself look better by doing fancy editting. If you're going to watch this video which i hope you all do, judge it on the content not the editting.

Things i do:

- Rush

- Pray if you pray

- Pray if you tag

- Run if 0 food

Things i dont do:

- Edit very well

- Teleport

- Care much

- Pj

Weapons used:

Dragon Claws

Dragon Long

Granite Maul



Dragon bolts/c'bow

Its a very fast paced video i like to think, lots of ko's fit into a short space of time. I've made people lose a good 35m in this video and i still ended up losing money. If you think the rushing is NH i don't really give a shit because in my eyes it isn't.

Here are my videos links:



Hope you enjoy it.


I enjoyed the video and the clips, still dont agree with the song choice though :(.


Hai2u Tom! It has a good video alot of def nubs downed but again(yes again), you could improve quality :P


quality sucked so bad i closed after 5 seconds


Decent vid, bad music imo

overal: 7/10

goodluck making ur second one

Peace tom

Adam | LayDown

very very poor editing


Was more shit than I had even expected it to be.


quality sucked so bad i closed after 5 seconds


Yeah, sorry, can't watch it in that sort of quality.


You guys are meaner than aids.

^ that is just a joke, i mean no offence.

Most clans and people i have shown it to have enjoyed it, i didn't make it intending on having amazing editting because i don't wish to put hours of time into something so in-significant. The quality is poor i admit however if you download it off of Filefront or watch it in HQ its bareable.

Anyway thanks for clicking it you still got me a free view!!! :D :P :).


No offense that was pretty bad you even lied about the fact he had claws in a non +1 world...


No i did not lie, ask all out ice/il ice o0, he was on the world with me at the time and i was spamming #ex-ice just afterwards aswell.

Ragie I know its not amazing editting and clarity that most of Foe videos have but atleast point out why it was bad to help me improve further. I added variety in my video and so far Foe have been the only ones to slate the vid so far.


I'll watch it if you're the original owner.

Mr.franchize 999

nice vid i liked every part of it


No offense that was pretty bad you even lied about the fact he had claws in a non +1 world...

Yeh he did have claws.



I don't watch a vid mainly for the KO's, I like to see what loots you get as well, I hated this vid to be honest with you..some of the KO's were good, but it was just the same damn thing throughout the vid...rushing and getting decent hits...literally no loots at all were shown..2/10...but that's me.


I don't watch a vid mainly for the KO's, I like to see what loots you get as well, I hated this vid to be honest with you..some of the KO's were good, but it was just the same damn thing throughout the vid...rushing and getting decent hits...literally no loots at all were shown..2/10...but that's me.

Well i'm being totally honest in saying that the only proper loot i got through the video was about 100k x3 off of targets, a dragon dagger(P), a glory(4) and a ring of wealth. If you want to see my loots just picture those when you watch the video because for some reason i never get anything good. I admit it was mainly rushing but there were a few normal fights and the weapons varied so its not exactly the same.

Thanks for the constructive criticism though.


really, why is everyone being a cock? normally when a vid like this is posted you guys can actually be nice and give a good rating and shit but when some like Ultra posts *closed within 5seconds* all the guests think they should post the same.

seriously guys; get ur own opinion, cuz it wasn't as bad as ur saying right now.



Tbh I thought it was actually a good vid.. But tbh mate, you put any music other than rock/metal, emo scapers will have a fit..


sorry horrible...

music was shit.. editting was windows movie maker? right?

Learn to use vegas just to make it a bit more flash, and please change music =[

clips were ok, just ruined i felt.


a few decent clips, but also some bad like killing 0 itemers, die'ing etc..

music/editing kinda tore what quality was left in a few of the clips apart. :/


I enjoyed the video and the clips, still dont agree with the song choice though :(.

He can't please everyone with the music though, imo, the person who makes the vid should put music in they like.

It was an alright vid, got boring though.


Unless uploading two different videos with different genre's of music in the backround, not everybody can be pleased because some people have said they loved the music, others have said they've hated it.

The video / clips only took me 3 days to obtain, so obviously they weren't going to be sublime, i could spend a month gaining up clips and then another week editting it to make a really fantastic video, but really i'm not too bothered about that kind of stuff so i just used simple editting because i like to think people watch pk videos for the content and not the editting.

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