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The next new thing (after EoC)


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Well they aren't really new but I think Summoning tanks are going to be the next popular thing here is why:

We're removing any impact on your Combat level from Prayer, Summoning and Constitution levels.

X + Defence level +2 = your Combat level.

(X = your highest stat level from Magic, Ranged, Attack or Strength).

With that being said, 99pray 99hp 99summ 75def and only 78cb, and since you can use summoning in edge now maybe this will be the new thing to do?

What do you think?


not really its not hard to just tank a summon


Hmmm not too sure, because at the moment you can easily protect range and be untouchable from a steel titan for expample. And at level 78 there will be pure or a new type of pure that can easily overpower the tank

i tauntz i

hmm could work but not as fun tbh and costs loads unlike pures where u can just go bandits


Na lol most people know how to protect from a titan so they'll suck ass

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