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There is no way that's all the frames my graphics card can get...

turmoil apex

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turmoil apex


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is runescape blowing me..

My graphics card specs

core clock is 920MHz

stream cpu 1024 stream

memory clock is 1250MHz

any1 know how to fix this shits?

Runescape settings




damn i have no idea bro ;o


1-5 fps is standard for me. if even possible to get vision, if say i log into a clan-fight, my comp would either crash or id get force-logged before getting any chance to even check fps.


Dang that sucks bro


ask ph0ne

turmoil apex

it's bull shit... im getting 60+ fps on lol maxed settings.. im pretty sure that runescape graphics are not better then LoLs..


try using directx or updating java if not that then I am unsure what the problem may be.

turmoil apex

try using directx or updating java if not that then I am unsure what the problem may be.

OMFG U LIVE CLOSE TO ME!!!!!!! i live in Oconomowoc but go to arrowhead.

holy shit lol yeah that's really close :0

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