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This is what happens when you treat being the number 1 runescape clan as serious as the olympics.



Thats some serious olympic commentating.


very good spoken about the flaming part bro,


It's the internet you retard, get over it.

This cunt is a perfect example ^

11 Posts and he thinks he's the shit, troller.

post count dont give the right... neither does rank imo.


Mate.. people of all ages play rs, mostly ones under the age of 15... of course you're going to get some complete idiots sometimes.. All you gotta do is ignore their posts. Maybe they'll get bored? I wish :(


in 05 there werent that many people here, so there also werent as many flamers. plus most of the people who were here in 05 were friends.


Leon, jij geeft dingen aan die jammer genoeg maar weinigen op deze forums beseffen  :(



Nah, I'm just playing. But I honestly could care less if people flame, I'm not the type of person who takes stuff like that personally so w/e


Welcome to the Internet World.

Welcome to FOE Forums.

Welcome to Runescape.

thats all..

I've been using Internet more in my life than you.

I've been around FOE Forums múch longer than you.

And I'm sure I've been playing Runescape longer than you.


Goes to show the Social Life I have, Im sorry to say.

Looks like your always up to date on everything that has to do with Runescape.


Get over it, because no one is going to change for you, its going to stay the same way.

Old man.

"gg"?..... lol.


The majority of the people on this website have honestly nothing better to do with their time any more. If someone's new to pures and asks a question, wether stupid or not, some fucking retarded twelve year old fat fuck is going to come on and make some sort of obnoxious comment that has absolutely no intellectual value whatsoever on said person's topic for some serious E-CRED YO! *gang signs*


ur right, no good will come over the flaming


Welcome to the Internet World.

Welcome to FOE Forums.

Welcome to Runescape.

thats all..

I've been using Internet more in my life than you.

I've been around FOE Forums múch longer than you.

And I'm sure I've been playing Runescape longer than you.


Goes to show the Social Life I have, Im sorry to say.

Looks like your always up to date on everything that has to do with Runescape.


Get over it, because no one is going to change for you, its going to stay the same way.

Old man.

"gg"?..... lol.

Could change if people grew up.

:wub: :wub: :wub: leon


I don't flame which makes it a fun board for me.

I just ignore the stupid people.

Welcome to the Internet World.

Welcome to FOE Forums.

Welcome to Runescape.

thats all..

I've been using Internet more in my life than you.

I've been around FOE Forums múch longer than you.

And I'm sure I've been playing Runescape longer than you.


That's pretty much a bullshit response as it has nothing to do with the fact 'why people flame on guest boards'.

You are actually now one of those people you are ranting about, pretty offensive in my eyes ;).

I got nuthing against you cuz you are a cool guy but if you want to make a serious topic about why people flame  then don't make responses like that when the other person doesn't start with an offensive post.


Runescape is the same as the Real world. There are idiots everywhere and you can't get rid of them all. Best thing to do is ignore them and walk away.


I don't flame which makes it a fun board for me.

I just ignore the stupid people.

Welcome to the Internet World.

Welcome to FOE Forums.

Welcome to Runescape.

thats all..

I've been using Internet more in my life than you.

I've been around FOE Forums múch longer than you.

And I'm sure I've been playing Runescape longer than you.


That's pretty much a bullshit response as it has nothing to do with the fact 'why people flame on guest boards'.

You are actually now one of those people you are ranting about, pretty offensive in my eyes ;).

I got nuthing against you cuz you are a cool guy but if you want to make a serious topic about why people flame  then don't make responses like that when the other person doesn't start with an offensive post.

Grapjas.. I'm not flaming him L.. I'm just telling the truth. & Grifte, ik weet ik weet :P


ma pangpang, wil je vechte ofzo, kom dan ******jong VIEZE VUILE ****** LIJER! :o

alles goed leon?

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