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best defence level?

Almost Dutch

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3 ;)

I'd say 20 for initiate and mystic for hybriding


IMO 20, u do get a lot of armour to wear, Statius, Vestas, Morrigans, Zuriels, Mith Defender, Initiate, Studded body, Mystic/Enchanted, and ofcourse slayer helm. I was whip glitched for 6 def from 1 so i got 20 def, i dont regret it at all (i was 70 atk 96 str)


what defense level do you think is the best and why?

any where from

1 defense to 20 (not 99) -.-

you are mind boggeling... how the fuck are you almost dutch..

LMFAOOOO i loled in school il stick with my 1 def but maybe 10 or even 13 for rune gloves  :huh:

1 man, at 20 u'l be high cb and high cb pking sucks mate


either, there both alright,

some like 2 be black pures with 10

other's init, steel :P

or stay 1.


1 = Real Pure

13 = Slaying

20 = Best for Clan wars


idk imo i h8ed 20def its the reason i sold my first account in the first person

but 20def is better for meleers i wouldnt recommend it for ranegrs/hybrids


20 fo sho

defender / rune gloves / initiate / mystic all that shit is goood

and ppl hit 0/0 sometimes good fun.


1 until you hit 85combat, then 20

20 is only consistantly good if your 75 or below attack


high cmb -> 20, tank.

low cmb -> 1, pure.


2, it's twice the tank as 1


Erm, I love 20 def alot but see the problem is runescape changed.

You cant use firecapes/Mith defenders W/O loosing it perm, In old wild you ran back and picked it up. Mith defender = 45% More accuracy and decent str bonus. I really did it for the attack bonuses cause.. Rips through runepures. No we are forced to use mith kites which kills the point of 20 def by like.. alot i really only did it cause i loved edge pking so much. ide say 1. With 60-75attack.


Pures should aim to stay as low combat as possible. Stay 50/60 attack, 1 defence, 1-34 prayer. If you want to help your clan while being able to solo PK effectively, then just train summoning.

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