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When EOC comes around.

Xx Pk xX

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As we all know eoc is coming around in a few months, many clans are set to close or adapt. I know il be here till the end and will go with foe no matter what decision is made. What are you going to do when eoc arrives? quit? adapt? 2006scape?


Adapt + 06scape most likely


if clans go down then I quit, if they stay then I stay.


I think im the same, i like the sound of 06scape but if alot of clans go there the wildy will just be chaos


^didn't you play during bh, like 3 worlds split between the entire pure community was probably the funnest thing, non stop action


really? sounds awesome

Posted (edited)

adapt+ 06 scape

ad4pt 0r d1e

Edited by FearMy Def

they should make 'Main worlds' and 'Pure world'

like worlds for 1-35def

35-50 def

and 50-99 def :/


they should make 'Main worlds' and 'Pure world'

like worlds for 1-35def

35-50 def

and 50-99 def :/

they r ass raping pures on purpose with these updates y would they make pure worlds 2 help us?

ill quit when this shit is implemented lol


Become #1 league playyer


haha no chance delta! league is shit lol

Famouz, if only jagex would do that for us


if foe closes i quit, only reason why i play this shit game now


Adapt + 06scape most likely


if ph0ne closes I quit, only reason I play this shit game

Its zeh noob

if foe closes i quit, only reason why i play this shit game now


if ph0ne closes I quit, only reason I play this shit game


already quit the first day into beta. waste of time


if foe closes i quit, only reason why i play this shit game now

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