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Dungers, :D


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This topic will be used for questions and discussion regarding #pure-dung or dungeoneering in general.


  • Any malicious discussion of clan events will result in a kb.
  • Any discussion of rwt (accounts, rsgp, pins, etc) will result in a kb.
  • Any serious discussion of illegal activities (hacking, DOSing) will result in a kb.
  • If you have a complaint about another player, contact an op on irc.
  • You may not sell floors in #pure-dung. Anyone caught selling floors in #pure-dung will be kbed. You may do them on your own still, so don't worry. S/l floors are permitted, but the player leeching has to be sui on another account. 2s2l floors are not recommended for survival purposes.
  • Mains are allowed to use #pure-dung, but anyone with a hood bound will not be permitted to join floors.
  • You may not kick players from floors or rage quit a floor on your own accord. The floor can be restarted if everyone in the party agrees.
  • Do not do anything with malicious intent to anyone in #pure-dung. Joking around is fine, but know the line.
  • Sufficient binds and ring tiers will be required before doing floors with #pure-dung.

Some tips + guides to dungeoneering on a pure:

  • Get 70 rc. A celestial surgebox is one of the best binds a pure can have when paired with either a celestial catalytic staff or empowered fire staff.
  • Don't bind mauls as a melee primary unless 60 attack. They can be used as a secondary if you are 100+ dung with 80 attack to avoid the 3rd option of 2h.
  • Upgrade your rings. Upgrade both your primary and secondary binds to at least T5, with a goal of T10. This gives a huge DPS boost and is very cheap. The only rings you should use are Berserker (melee), Desperado (range), and Blazer (mage). Info on the rings (effects and costs) can be found here.
  • Avoid skilling. Unless we're in a 1 way and there is absolutely nothing to do, don't go wcing/fishing/cooking. The only skilling that is encouraged would be mining, but only if it's gorg/prom ore and only if there is a main in the party capable of summoning blood ragers.
  • Loot chests. Chests tend to give herbs which are necessary to complete some doors. It's better to do this than relying purely on npc drops or farming them. They also give fair amounts of cash that can be used to buy ores for ragers (again, mains only).
  • Don't afk. Ever. Floors will always be around 20 minutes as long as everyone is working together, so try to put off afking until after the floor. Take the time to do whatever you may need to do in between floors.
  • Pay attention. Listen to the leader, gate when told, and take the initiative to gate without being told. If told to mgt, move it. Don't hesitate to do something as you're only slowing the floor down and losing xp.
  • Memorize the acronyms. A full list can be seen here. Don't slack on this.
  • Learn what monsters are weak to what (skeles/crush, zombies/slash, etc). Read more about them here. Having the highest possible Damage Per Second in gds speeds up the floor so much.
  • Learn the puzzles. If the leader says solo books, you should know what to do. A list of puzzles and how to do them can be found here. Even if you think you know a puzzle, read it anyway.
  • Learn the bosses. If you don't know how to do a particular boss, you will only slow down the floor and end up dying, so read up on bosses here. Same as puzzles - there might be a strategy that you don't know about.
  • Don't hog food. Unless you're in danger of death, avoid stopping combat to loot food. Get in the habit of looting in between attack turns. This keeps you from hanging around in the room after it's finished, and allows you to get going to the next room right away. Don't loot entire piles either. Loot a couple pieces of food as needed and move on.
  • No binding range unless it's a hex. Normal bows are only useful on a couple of bosses, and these can be avoided anyway.
  • Be willing to learn. If you don't know what you're doing, dungeoneering will be VERY boring for you. It doesn't become fun until you figure out how to do it properly.
  • Practice pray flashing if you really want the most xp/hr. Set quick prayers to 15% att/str/turmoil/soulsplit and flash it for as many attack turns as you can, assuming you're not under attack. If being attacked, flash whatever protection prayer is needed as best as you can.
  • Add something in your notes about dung potions. I personally use this to see what herbs and secondaries are needed for what skill. It's a bit easier than using the irc command .dgpot -skill- and saves some time.




Third Binds *mains must follow this, pures don't need to*


Map Reading and Pathing

Monster Weaknesses

Suggested binds:

60 Attack, 50+ dung

Primal Maul

Celestial Catalytic Staff or Empowered Fire Staff

Celestial Surgebox

Berserker + Blazer Rings

60 Attack, 100+ dung

Primal Maul

Argonite 2h/Blood Necklace/Seekers Charm

Celestial Catalytic Staff/Empowered Fire Staff

Celestial Surgebox

Berserker + Blazer Rings

80 Attack, 50+ Dung

Gorgonite 2h

Primal Maul/Celestial Catalytic Staff/Empowered Fire Staff

Celestial Surgebox

Berserker + Blazer Rings

80 Attack, 50+ Dung

Gorgonite 2h

Hexhunter bow

125 Sagittarian Arrows

Berserker + Desperado Rings

80+ Attack, 100+ Dung

Gorgonite 2h

Primal Maul/Blood Necklace/Seekers Charm

Celestial Catalytic Staff/Empowered Fire Staff

Celestial Surgebox

Berserker + Blazer Rings

80+ Attack, 100+ Dung

Gorgonite 2h

Primal Maul/Blood Necklace/Seekers Charm

Hexhunter Bow

125 Sagittarian Arrows

Berserker + Desperado Rings

70 attack binds are the same as 60 attack, but with a katagon 2h.

90 attack binds are the same as 80 attack, but with a promethium 2h.

99 attack: Primal 2h(with 113 dung) > Primal battleaxe(with 89 dung) > Promethium 2h. Everything else is the same as 80 attack.

All mauls can be downgraded accordingly.

Celestial Catalytic Staff (ccs) vs Empowered Fire Staff (empfs)

When using a ccs, one is supposed to loot elemental runes as anything higher than wind surge will hit better than the empfs. However, rune drops are minimal and only really provide enough for a handful of casts. Even if you're perfect and can losslessly loot every single rune in the floor, you'll just barely get enough to consistantly use the ccs to its full potential. You shouldn't be spending time making extra runes unless you're completely idle. Something to consider is competition for rune drops. Many pures now have 70+ rc because of runespan, increasing the amount of csb's and staves in a floor. If 5 people in a party all had a ccs it would be inefficient. There aren't nearly enoguh rune drops in the floor to cover 5 people, making empfs a better choice. If you know you won't loot runes consistantly, consider binding an empowered fire staff over the celestial catalytic staff. If you end up not liking it you can always hunt another staff very easily. Very few people should bind a ccs nowadays.

If you are not 99 magic but are 70+ rc, bind an empowered fire staff or the next best empowered staff depending on your mage level.

Ring tiers:

It is strongly recommended to upgrade berserker rings and secondary rings as follows:

  • 85 Dungeoneering: t8 berserker and t8 secondary.
  • 90 Dungeoneering: t9 berserker and t8 secondary.
  • 95 Dungeoneering: t9 berserker and t9 secondary.
  • 103 Dungeoneering: t10 berserker and t9 secondary.
  • 107 Dungeoneering: t10 berserker and t10 secondary.

Pures can easily get to t10 in both berserker and secondary way before 106, so get them as soon as possible.

trying to get some guys to join, yes it's ran by an MM member, but it's going to try to avoid clan fighting, and stick to dunging,

Dung is getting harder and harder for pures, and this may help alot of ppl out, we all know idung is out and if you free like botting won't get u banned then goahead, but if u wanna take it the safe way come join , ill be idling in there and hosting flrs alot when i start going 4 200m dung

eww u stinky

too many words


too many words

i didn't make the guide

so jokesonu

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