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Bones only drop bh/pvp bug. UPDATED

Its zeh noob

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I guess I'll be updating this everytime it happends with high priced kills...

I don't always safe the clips but if I do I'll post em ;)

#1; 4m

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#2; 2m

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#4; 1,5m

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#3; 400k

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Ive had this before.. i got killed by someone so i went back to him to congratulate him coz it was a pretty epic fight.. i get there and all my shits on the floor didnt lose a thing ;s and he got no drop


1 - If you and your target/opponent both die at the same time, neither will get a drop. This is retaliation by Jagex for all the idiots who did simultaneous target kills so both would get a drop.

2 - If you've been killed, and the person who did more damage is more than x number of squares away, your items will be dropped on the ground and you have one minute to retrieve them.


1 - If you and your target/opponent both die at the same time, neither will get a drop. This is retaliation by Jagex for all the idiots who did simultaneous target kills so both would get a drop.

2 - If you've been killed, and the person who did more damage is more than x number of squares away, your items will be dropped on the ground and you have one minute to retrieve them.

This kill indeed looks alot what you've said, we didnt get a drop but he was able to pick his stuff up. Which is part of another bug I believe. I also got a few others like these on vid. Could post some pics if ur intrested ^^


I get this alot to, its BS, though ikz explination works on what happened to u :P


well this sort of happened to me i killed someone and only got bones just bones not like tuna. if i got tuna its because im not risking but i was risking 120k and that was after i used my pots and all my food in the dm i was mad.


Ive had this happen to me, my target got all his stuff back,  I didnt get anything back ftl.


Updated ^

  • 2 weeks later...

1 - If you and your target/opponent both die at the same time, neither will get a drop. This is retaliation by Jagex for all the idiots who did simultaneous target kills so both would get a drop.

2 - If you've been killed, and the person who did more damage is more than x number of squares away, your items will be dropped on the ground and you have one minute to retrieve them.

Agree with what he said,

If both player's are fighting, but as he said if another person who got more hit's in within a few square's they will get the drop & i think your stuff will still show because you were fighting, idk im kind of confusing myself, if you get it =D


fact of the matter is if both die at same time, the guy that died 1st loses his shit, who died 2nd gets both loots

as for if u kill some1 and u dont get drop, it means he fought some1 else previously and the person who did more damage logged out. therefore, they cant tell u "xyz" did more damage than you, the loot jst drops


Happened to me on Sunday :L i went to pick up loot as we died at the same time and i thought i would had loot, but instead i got my stuff back! pretty epic i must say :)


yuppers happened to me 2 or 3 times.. only thing u dont get back is ava's accum... o wells =/ ezpz


It's happened to me before, but it's never happened this much for me, especially in such a small timeframe :huh:


Earlier I downed void.. great right?

thsi bug occured because his fight from 2 hours ago was behind him.

He got his stuff back. FML


never happened to me thats fucked up


This is f*cking Bull sh*t.

happens to me constantly, But i NEVER get my loots back.

I have NEVER received my loot pile back or the opposing players loot.

I am f*cking sick and tired of this, As i run back to see them happily looting back their stuff.

F*cking Fagex


This is f*cking Bull sh*t.

happens to me constantly, But i NEVER get my loots back.

I have NEVER received my loot pile back or the opposing players loot.

I am f*cking sick and tired of this, As i run back to see them happily looting back their stuff.

F*cking Fagex

its simple, jagex hates you. :P


sucks :s if u would hurry up it would be ur advantage though

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