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Leveling spots

X No Mercy O

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-Problem being I need a good spot to get to 80-85 str I'm 70 right now.

-I'm trying to find a good spot that has aggressive monsters, isn't going to make me eat a ton, OR a spot like zammy wars, where I can pray/sup str and attack and get some profit, or break even.

-Unfortunately I'm not a person who doesn't mind expiriments, I'm not a fan of power lvling monsters where I have to run back and forth for monsters, I like to surf the net/watch movies or tv and don't want to have to pay a huge amount of attention.

Any ideas that are not too known or pretty decent spots in your opinion let me know, don't gimme any stupid shit like "cows, chickens and mans in lumby" Thanks.


Oh.. thanks, I forgot about that spot, next suggestion please.



Problem solved


phpt i got 55-90 there the secondĀ  i could i wield dds i went there


Sounds like a good idea, what kinda exp do you think you get there per hour? I mean like doing SW all I do is run from the GY and find other pures to spec so, less running at phtp haha


You won't be able to afk at all in PHTP, in fact it's a ton of clicking.

If you have overheads and don't mind spending some money go skeletons in chaos rift, or bandits..

Alternatively rock crabs in relekka...with iron and chaps you don't even have to eat, so you only need to click every 10 minutes to make them aggressive again.


Flesh Crawlers, Experiments, Bandits


Very true, thanks for suggestions, prolly gonna go with phtp even tho I can't afk it, its going to be something that holds my interest (afk lvl because its so boring haha) I love you guys sept HADUKEN go fall in a pit.


pure house training parties or something..


You can Afk soulwars, Its good XP to you only have to click once every like 2 mins.


whats phtp?

Only the slowest xp in the gameĀ  :nice:


You will obviously get the same answers. I'm simply going to lock this because I'm sure you are aware of the spots to train at.

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