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How did you think of your RS name?


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i didnt want anything rs related and i wanted the remote

pretty simple eh? :D

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i like to 69


i didnt want anything rs related and i wanted the remote

pretty simple eh? :D



I thought about the new depositing system so i tried deposit but it was taken so i just put x deposit x


mine means rape in swedish


well, i play halo 3 on xbl a lot, and i noticed a good bit of people with itz at the beginning of their name, and me and a friend both used that at the beginning of our names, he decided to make a different name but mine stuck =) the tragic part is just badass, nuff said

Lies, gud XBL on Halo are...

C0mmonn CoLd (SOmething like that)

C0mmonn cold v2

C0mmonn cold v3

Some shared accounts between me and a mate.. Something like that, IDK names =p.

I made rune schemmy because I had the account 6ranite Maul, and its tite =p



Range and Str are my favorite combat skills. So I made Rangevstr

PuRe ExTrAcT

Pure --> Wanted to how pure in my name but nothing stupid

Extract --> random word i was thinking of and was available  :p


I was really into counterstrike and m4 was taken so i chose m16 =)


to not get reported while luring bc most people cbf.


den tool

tool (not the english meaning) is what people nickname me irl. den is just like people put 'the' infront of their name.

like 'the' king. 'the' one. 'the' tool. :D


means 'goatfücker'. not used alot but i heard it couple times and thought it was funny


means 'fleafücker'. came up with this name for fun. :x

angela lov

i was like so off the world when i got mine lol ;):p

angela lov


There was a staker/pker ages ago called V-Fury-V, thourght his name was tight so I tax'd it.


blacklisted = the process of being banned/kicked out of a union, area, job force, ect. but its way stronger to be blacklisted than banned. cause blacklisted means your fucked from EVERYTHING the same as that organization


My brother made my account.

But I actually got used to it, and like it.

Don't see alot/any people with it. :]


Always strived for a funny original name, plenty of food references thrown in (Rehabpatient, Frozendinner, Foremangrill, The Bird Flu, Obeseblakman to name a few  :D)


i got a lvl 3 named  Product lol


Take a wild guess about mine... -.-

I used to not mind it, now i hate it lulz, but w/e shit happens nothing i can do about it.

Crue Nation

Motley Crue is my favorite band and Crue Nation would mean that the nation is just like them and follows them. I know it's not reality but that's what I personally feel.


Winner By K0

Ima winner and i love chicken dinner

Creamie pies

Ummm It's what I give to my Girlfriend? Idk :(


Ummm It's what I give to my Girlfriend? Idk :(


Take a wild guess about mine... -.-

I used to not mind it, now i hate it lulz, but w/e shit happens nothing i can do about it.

Yeah. Life moves on, but next time think twice before you make a name you know you will later regret. If you did think twice, think three, four, and more times until you really positive lol. I'd hate to have a name from an ex, especially if I really dislike her now. Sheesh bro, I give you props for not giving up on that account.


Raise Attack; It's a shout to other players, if you want to hit me, raise your attack.


I decided I wanted to be ranged based so I wanted 1 word that could describe arrows or something of the sort and I came up with Sluqs in reference to slugs of a gun which is kind of a ranged attack. Lol. Kind of odd but more than anything I wanted it to be one word and short.

So yeah, that's mine.

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