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How did you think of your RS name?


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what i was thinking when i made my name is pretty self explanitory...

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J O O Claw - J O O Salee, one of my fav pkers and Jew claw is an inside joke with my friends, so i was like lulz j o o claw.


kobe bryant my favourite ball player,  and jai means jr in my language.

so ye my name is like Kobe jr  :victory:


flipsyde , band i like


I just would turn into a girl and act all innocent..

after flushing your manhood out, how did you plan on jump starting it up again  :whistle:

i had 2 decent pures in classic before, decided to start rs2 with a pure so i called it 'third pure'


i wuz drunk and i felt like making a range/2her


Needs its own topic.


I first tried putting in Wet Dream, Dirty Dream, Naughty Dream, etc, and none of them seemed to work..sooo I typed in something random like.. jrgqdvv Dream and It was taken so I was thinking to myself.."that's odd" so then I thought of Odd Dream.


Well, was talking to like my best mate on msn and was trying to think of a rs name for my pure. He goes to me "brb mate, mum brought some popadoms" or something along those lines. So, "P0pad0m" sounded quite cool and funny, and I was gonna make p0p a range/maul. So, "p0pad0m_h00d" (h00d = robin hood) :P


Wanted something short and simple, I don't like names with numbers...this was pre-slayer update, I was just like, oh I like whip...tried like 5 ajectives before whip, none of which were available, so I made True Whip :D

After I got defence, and had gone through a few accounts I was sick of hearing stuff like 'who the fuck is brothers, wtf is a sesshownmaru, is 1 hit r4nge an app, i spiili i is a legend..o its a new owner, and finally Gud bettel?! U used 2 be my leader!'

So I made Troo Whip to get back to my original name...yet every now and then someone in game calls me a True Whip poser :p


Wanted something short and simple, I don't like names with numbers...this was pre-slayer update, I was just like, oh I like whip...tried like 5 ajectives before whip, none of which were available, so I made True Whip :D

After I got defence, and had gone through a few accounts I was sick of hearing stuff like 'who the fuck is brothers, wtf is a sesshownmaru, is 1 hit r4nge an app, i spiili i is a legend..o its a new owner, and finally Gud bettel?! U used 2 be my leader!'

So I made Troo Whip to get back to my original name...yet every now and then someone in game calls me a True Whip poser :p

POSER!!! Lol jk. I don't like names with numbers either. The only reason why my ex-main had '99' in it because I was really young and my goal was to reach 99 in all skills lol.


I was think about being Perfect Pure so I came up with Purefect... Then it was taken so I put Purefections which is like an affection of something and my name means I have an affection of being Pure :p

X Apokalypse

dunno im a faggot l0l

Well, mine's pretty easy...it's "Strength" with an h in it  :D. If you say "Strength" out loud, you sort of hear "Shtrength", so I made that my name :o.
  • 1 month later...

Well, mine's pretty easy...it's "Strength" with an h in it  :D. If you say "Strength" out loud, you sort of hear "Shtrength", so I made that my name :o.

Yeah it makes sense. That's how I say strength irl too, lol.


Runescape is my Calling Duty :blush:


For me uhh, I like creative names. I put together Murder and Erotica and in my past pures i know it's noobish but i keep my 1 in the name. It has a meaning also you can look up on Urban Dictionary.


Zeus 5959

5959 - cause i failed to try 6969

Zeus - failed cause i spelt zues wrong

Overall GF>


Zeus 5959

5959 - cause i failed to try 6969

Zeus - failed cause i spelt zues wrong

Overall GF>

I guess you just fail completely

Got A Big Un

meh i was a skiller so i jus called myself tha sk1lls lol


Zeus 5959

5959 - cause i failed to try 6969

Zeus - failed cause i spelt zues wrong

Overall GF>

I guess you just fail completely



Zeus 5959

5959 - cause i failed to try 6969

Zeus - failed cause i spelt zues wrong

Overall GF>

I guess you just fail completely

coming from someone with a failed life.

If you're going to flame here, then fuck off.


Ancient magicks -> magick

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