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How did you think of your RS name?


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I like Blitz. Ix and I was because Blitz was already taken so i just came up with random letters.

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Talking My Twin about making pure twins, then thinking names that go together,

he thought i sounded Posh at 1st so came up with Posh An Pure and Pure An Posh.


I Like I's... and on occasion L's.


Ssj Nickovic:

Ssj comes from Dragonball Z, and Nickovic is my Irl Nickname.


Changed g -> q


Dj Element ft Alfiho - Numb Encore

I Just took it from a song


Tick 2 Lum

My best Rs mate had the rsn T1ck 2 lumb, so I made a Jr of him.

Sar4 str1k3

I used to do triplets with my brother and my mate, lvl 11 magers who would wind bolt people to death, this acc made it through to lvl 131, too bad it's a shit name.


Cool 4 letter name with a bit of sense in it.

Zombie 0n floor laughing

K0 H E R O

When i made up mine i was thinking of Guitar Hero for some reason lol, and then thought of ko and then together they kinda rhymed and i got the name K0 H E R O lol :)

karma pures

well i though of this rs name because me and 4 freinds wanted to make quintuplets. ya and i always had my name as karma in other games

it was kinda my thing.


Tick 2 Lum

My best Rs mate had the rsn T1ck 2 lumb, so I made a Jr of him.

Sar4 str1k3

I used to do triplets with my brother and my mate, lvl 11 magers who would wind bolt people to death, this acc made it through to lvl 131, too bad it's a shit name.


Cool 4 letter name with a bit of sense in it.

Zombie 0n floor laughing

Lol I would of never thought z0fl stand for: zombie on floor laughing


I seriously dont know how this name came up in me O.O


hmm i just wanted sumthing Krazi


thought of it coz im fucking hawt & an Insane pker. B)

Originally i had Inzany Slayr. but twin wanted to swap :(


Pk -- duh

Briggs-- rl name

V2-- version 2, the first one i failed.

V3 next? :lol:

On Topic:

Pierz half naked picture with a papper saying "Suck my dick Fatality" or some shit. It was my signature for along time till photobucket remove it because it had ilegeal contest.


Well. for one i have dreads irl. thts where the idea got in my head but i thought tht was lame. so then i looked in the dictionary and i saw the word "dread' and it was likke to fear or some shit. and i was like "ro!'so i thought, how can i make it so tht it sounds like the name of someone. so, i added -er. making dreader =D

then i wanted something "I Dreader I' but i thought tht was gay. then i looked on the numbers and i picked 0.

and its pronounced "zero dreader zero" not "oh dreader oh".

oh. and my fav rs name is "moe lest u" ( my frnd irl ) and "loven vjj" hilarious names lol.


Well. for one i have dreads irl. thts where the idea got in my head but i thought tht was lame. so then i looked in the dictionary and i saw the word "dread' and it was likke to fear or some shit. and i was like "ro!'so i thought, how can i make it so tht it sounds like the name of someone. so, i added -er. making dreader =D

then i wanted something "I Dreader I' but i thought tht was gay. then i looked on the numbers and i picked 0.

and its pronounced "zero dreader zero" not "oh dreader oh".

oh. and my fav rs name is "moe lest u" ( my frnd irl ) and "loven vjj" hilarious names lol.

Yeah I see no reason someone would pronounce your name 'oh dreader oh'. If you wanted to be like that, I'm sure you'd of put O Dreader O, lol.

owner mighty


Owner Mighty

Owner - cuz i own lolz

Mighty- it sounds like my name "mike" and way back when i had a nick name called mighty mike lolz

Zach Dones

Well I came up with Zach Dones cuz it is my name lol.


Failed_Bher - I'm a shit pker.


I was trying out replacecing letters like g with letters like q, and doing that with d and b and stuff.

And someone said something about a regeneration bracelet.

Snatched the name Reqeneration.


Last pure I am ever going to make.


Im Turkish, kofte is Turkish


L A T I N O0- Im hispanic so yea

L A T I N 0O- Got def so made this

Lat Jr- I am on old school w25 pker... so everyone in w25 called me "Lat" so i made Lat Jr.

Crue Nation

Crue - Motley crue is my favorite band

Nation - Back in Motley's hayday they ran the burnouts/rockers


Back when i was in the 6th grade (i think) I made this account to piss off a mod named 1 sky pilot because i wanted to see if a mod could instantly mute people or if they just reported people like everyone else. They can btw. Needless to say I had about 9 marks before they made the update that got rid of year old marks. After my first pure got hacked for def I trained this one because i was too lazy to go through tutorial island with an account with a decent name.

The End


Back when i was in the 6th grade (i think) I made this account to piss off a mod named 1 sky pilot because i wanted to see if a mod could instantly mute people or if they just reported people like everyone else. They can btw. Needless to say I had about 9 marks before they made the update that got rid of year old marks. After my first pure got hacked for def I trained this one because i was too lazy to go through tutorial island with an account with a decent name.

The End

lol. interesting  ^_^

x redvsblue

i wanted to come up with a name without any numbers in it. and i tried loads of diff names but couldnt find any. and then i thought of redvsblue the show. that didnt work. so i put in X Redvsblue and BAM herpies =o

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