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I've been playing RuneScape on and off since 2003-2012 as many of you have seen my Finalé video, I had a good run. Why did I quit? Because, It's not about adapting to this new update happening soon the EoC (Evolution of Combat), it's about continuing the legacy RuneScape was and has always been. No OTHER MMORPG comes close to how RuneScape was. So unique. The community, although can be separated by clans, by people who play to just annoy others and by those who have been playing for a long time, was all one. Update after update Jagex tried to make the game more efficient, not just for the players but for their game and to attract a newer base of customers. I for one cannot agree all their updated decisions were good, nor were they dramatically bad. On the other hand every update we stuck with them, we lost friends and family along the way with the removal of Wildy, The new Hitpoints Update, Bringing back Free-Trade and so forth, but asides those numbers we still remained for our one true passion. RuneScape.

If you are a video maker, I see this as one last stand. I have never really helped out along with those riots always happening at varrock square throughout the years, but if this is our last chance to make Jagex see that that other company who bought 55% of their shares are ruining the game for the majority (although the minority do enjoy the EoC and I'm not here to say you're wrong, so please don't think otherwise) they should step back in and take action. Listen to the video, watch the old memories and maybe we can send a message through to someone, somewhere who has the possible actions and final decisions to change their mind and help out this community that is now a split family. This is just my say, this is NOT my video, I just remixed it all credits go to MLGi for creating it and respect for that. Leave a comment on the topic if you can, help share it around, either my video or the original video (in my video description).

Note: To those saying we won't do anything and it'll have no effect. I for one understand that, but I see this as our last stand. I quit the game to stop paying my fee's towards a corrupt game. I miss RS, I miss the community, I don't want change and if you're for or against it let your opinions be heard!

Random Question: How many actual legit players do you think remain playing everyday to this date?

My Video (ReMixed):

Original video:

Creator of the video: http://www.youtube.com/user/MLGudi


is it worth the risk?

We can only but wait from here on and find that answer out.


Sorry man, would love to see it happen but it just won't, Fagex put to much work into it


Sorry man, would love to see it happen but it just won't, Fagex put to much work into it

That's fine man :) I'm just trying to help this last push, for all we know, it's just a BETA it may never happen but we'll see how it goes. Only time can tell from here out.


Sorry man, would love to see it happen but it just won't, Fagex put to much work into it

That's fine man :) I'm just trying to help this last push, for all we know, it's just a BETA it may never happen but we'll see how it goes. Only time can tell from here out.

tahts the spirit!


watched it and loved it, gj :)


Saw this and agreed with the points.


very good video and I quitt too.

But I already kinda quitt, just was there for warring with FOE.

sad sad sad :(


saw ur flag and stopped reading


runescapes done


was a good vid O.o


Nigga fuck yo couch

Y4nk33 D33s

rip rs

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