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idk if anyone will remember me I used to be in FOE a while back and thinking of joining back.

My account is pretty much maxed turmoil, it has 99 attack/strength/range/mage/hp and 95 prayer but it like 6 defence and shiz cause I couldn't be fucked questing

My question is can anybody point me in the right direction quest wise? I want to get all the quests for def XP and get all the goodies 30 def has to offer and obviously the curses. Then my plan is to reapply for FOE

I have looked on google but they are all old guides and seeing as I've been out of the loop for a bit they may be some new items I can get

thanks y'all

Edit: 1 month till the new update, seems a little pointless now :(


rejooooiinnnn :D


I plan on rejoining if FOE will have me. Just need to get curses and what not and I'll be applying


Yeh the almost every pure has the new cape lol.

Pay someone to quest & get you the new cape and have fun before combat update.


Yeh the almost every pure has the new cape lol.

Pay someone to quest & get you the new cape and have fun before combat update.

I need a guide listing all the essential quests for 30 def curses and other items such as cannon etc

Also, when is this update going to come into effect?


Just join now and get 30 def while being in the clan and as for as the reqs you can do a google search or search the forums for a guide


Welcome. Why don't you just apply before getting your curses. So by the time you're accepted you'll have curses etc.


is FOE still going to be around after the update? I'm debating weather to stay or not as there is only a month left


ahoy der sailor ;););););)

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