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Harro, long time no see!

Anyway, last sunday after so much consideration on what to do with my account before the update. I decided to go for 99 Attack.

I trained at MM tunnels from 60-70 and then dust devils from 70-75. They average me around 70k an hour attack XP and give me crims.

What I want to know is, that when I get 80 Attack. I will leech a chaotic! BUT I personally am unsure off which chaotic to go for and which will benefit me.

CH Staff and CLS are out of the question as I have 90 RC for RC staff and I don't like the speed/Hit ratio of CLS. So it's between Chaotic Maul and Rapier. Maul due to its effectiveness in Preps/Wars and would be efficient to have for Waterfiends. ( I have 75 Summoning banked though.) I just want more charms before i level it all at once which can be before or after the EOC update.

Rapier, with Whip Vine (85 Attack) will provide me the best attack experience in the game with my stats and defence.


So which shall chaotic shall I go for?


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