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First of all you guys need to stop arguing. We all obviously care about the forums, fighting with each other doesn't help. Start telling people ingame about foe-rs.com. Put it in ur pk videos. These forums have been around for ages and can hold their own if we give it backbone.

Ill start posting again, even if it means being my oldself to spark shit with new members, keep them coming back for more. Ill do what I can, you do what you can.

I'm tired of going to off topic and seeing "last post 'yesterday'" Fuck that bullshit, I want to see a new post every 10-20 mins.

You cab hate me all you want, but in the end you know I'm right. So if you still love these forums, do something about it.


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many active posters just quitted scape and forums/got banned

TBFF used to have like 3-5 pages each day, now you get bout 2-5 replies a day lol

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Sounds like we need more clan allys! Hint hint :P

Also Leaders should be doing more as far as promotional activity goes. We (as members-guests) can only do so much, when it comes to mass spams and videos, leaders have the power.

So, from this point no more arguing (unless its benifiting the convo) Let's hear some ideas.

Id like to start with:

Tell your friends about us, even if it irl friends. #NoShame

This place isn't just for RS, its an everything kind of forum.

Also, ever since we switched to these forums, I've seen activity go down. Our old forums were 10 times more user friendly and more fun to use. Just being honest.

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New members don't post quality. They just spam.

coming from you


When did I spam? If you are referring to movie posts, that's not spam.

not spam? you could post 1 topic for your shitty articles and incredibly overrated movies and even pin it if you want

Just because you don't like what I post doesn't make them 'shitty'.

i'm just statin' the obvious sefket

face it. your topics are bad and you should feed bad

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