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New Weapon..


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Any ideas on if this might raise in price? If you think so, estimated?

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ThanksĀ  :victory:


It may break, so it won't rise too high.


I got 20 of them for 60k ea so I hope they rise lol.


It may break, so it won't rise too high.

Okay, ill hold onto it for the time being lol. Paid 42K lets see if i get can get more =P


it think they we'll rise till like 200k @ max

won't go any higher since it will break when ur low firemaking


It will rise, just not like 200k a pop lol.

Like 100k each and then drop imo


d pickaxe is gona rise alot with this, this wont go very high, but d pickaxe is gona g ot olike 10m then drop i recon


I didn't even know this weapon existed, lol. I heard of the pickaxe and it is said to rise to 6-7M.


doubt it. like people already said, it has a chance to break.

it will go up maybe to 100k? maybe to 1m depending on how long people keep buying for max? after that it will be about 100-200k stabilized.

if you want money buy a dpickaxe.

i dont think any of these will go up to prices like 30mil because the monsters you need to kill are VERY easy.


what does it even do, never heard of it?


how was biology?

Sucked ass.

And thanks for the responses


I give it a max of 200k, and its to slow if you ask me.


It will inevitably raise, but not that much.


They fail anyway imo, wont go up much.


Lol wannabe mercher. Get some balls and put all your money in it like I do when I'm not f2p.


dragon pickaxe is way to expensife lol, i think it will crash sooner or later tbh dont worth a shot bro i think the hand cannon will go up but not for the d pickaxe


Fuck the cannon, the new mining area is BEAST.

10 addy ores, 8/9 gold and 2 rune ores. FTW!


My guess is it'll rise to about 150K because you can hit 50+ with it... also you can use the spec to combo with another half bar weapon spec (AGS or Dclaws) so rushers will buy it for that. It's actually a pretty decent weapon, kinda slow but you can do 2 shots at once with the Spec. If it goes over 150K though I'll be very surprised... Its a decent weapon but slow and not very accurate.


ive seen it hit pretty high in the wildy b4, i think it might reach 300k

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