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Gold sellers banned - Win all day - Stokenut


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Today we have banned several high-profile accounts from the dicing scene.

We can happily confirm that the ring leaders found to be involved in selling RuneScape gold have been banned. Their actions have directly funded a sizable portion of all real world trading activity within the game, led to increased macro use, and resulted in huge surges in spam advertising.

Such actions are strictly against our rules, and all accounts have been wiped and permanently nuked.

This should serve a clear warning to anyone else engaged in similar activities; expect more bans of any continuing offenders.

We have been finely tuning our new anti-cheat and anti-hijack tools over the past few months and are now steadily bringing these systems online in select areas. This is part of an on-going rollout that will be completed over the course of next two months. More good news will follow in due course.

Some of you may already have noticed that we have started cleaning up the high scores over the last week and this will assist us in being able to re-introduce relevant gold farmer free F2P high scores again.

Mark Gerhard


Wonder how much rares were lost >.< & maybe rsgp will go up xD!


Yeh lol hes rich irl now rofl with da money he diced on rs he prolly can buy a nice car

I Skype Moms

prob up like 200k. Prob lost about 10k

He pretty much owned jagex lol


He will create a new/buy a new account sure he has cash hidden somewhere.


they all made bank from jagex, INB4TRADELIMITAGAIN


who these people ur on about?


the game died long ago now why does anyone care any more waste of time trying to ban people they will just quit soon as eoc comes out


this game sucks anyways


he'll just buy 1b and get ranked again on a new acc after changed his ip and make bnak again luls


stokenut is a cocky ginger prick rofl


whos stokenut lol


too bad he made over a mill irl


too bad he made over a mill irl


Thats 1,000,000,000,000 rsgp.


whos stokenut lol

Some dicing guy, he might of made bh crator vids as well


waaay too late idiot


they all made bank from jagex, INB4TRADELIMITAGAIN

wouldnt mind that tbh.


kids sold over 100b and jagex just bans em? gj jagex

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