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U S K's ALOG :]

u s k

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Hey Fellas,

My name is Alex, RSN: U S K; and I joined foe-rs today actually, Hah. I'm no one special, and I probably don't know alot of the famous people around here :[, but I am really interested in starting my own ALOG! :]

I've seen several Alog's and they are really really impressive! It motivates me to be like them and achieve what they already have achieved.

This isn't a boasting thread, I simply want to share my goals, Achievements and ideas with you guys, and hopefully you can help me with many of them :]

A Little History

I've been playing my account for roughly a year, 97 Days total game time. It started off as a skiller, when I had my phase, That lasted around 45 minutes. Since then i've played it casually but recently (Last 2 months) I've really started to try to achieve my goals in set goal dates. I am thouroughly happy with my account, what I have achieved and it's current levels, but I realize there is hundreds out there which are 10x better and always will be.

My Current Stats:

These stats are dated at 18/08/2012.

Here goes, My first Update! :D

- 17/08/2012: Achieved 99 Range! It's been a long road, and I've finally reached the end. One of my favourite skill capes :)

-17/08/2012: Achieved 99 Strength ;) Really happy with this. I don't envy anyone with a new pure, ;D


80/90 Agility

91/99 Fishing

89/99 Mining

65/89 Herblore

88/99 Dung

94/99 Constitustion

68/88 Summoning

66/85 Slayer

Total Level: 1841/2050

I am currently killing waterfiends (18/08/2012, 8:34am) with my newly accquired Chaotic Battle staff, ;).

Here is a pic of my gear setup and invent, if there is any items I could be using to achieve better charms, (I'm at roughly 50 crims/Hr) That you are aware of, Feel free to let me know!


Gear Setup:

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :]

Update: 19/08/2012

Hey guys!

Thanks firstly, for the awesome feedback :)

I am another 500 crim charms up, after a night of waterfiends and on my way to 88 summoning, I think 6k crims? I'll have to double check that. :]

140k off 95hp, Which i hope to get at waterfiends while continuing my goal of 88 summoning.

A question for the guru's out there, Bursting rock lobs, roughly how many crims an hour, (using ice burst with Cstaff + Arcane stream, guthix book and mystic.) do you think i'd be getting?

Tonight I will be posting (hopefully,) 95HP, If I can keep going with fiends ;D

Update: 21/08/2012

Reached 89 Dung tonight! :D

Pretty happy! I have another 100,000/200,000 Tokens. I am unsure what chaotic to buy next. ( I currently have CCBow, CStaff )

Would getting 80 attack and a rapier be better overall, for pking/slaying than staying 60 attack? (I seriously like 60 attack, so anyone who thinks 80 attack is better, PLEASE give me a detail explaination as to why you think.)

Update: 21/08/2012

G'day fellas! Just about to rap up my night, It's been a long day.. =[

I've Reached 90 Dung! I am cheerin', 90 dung looks sweet! I am very happy! :]

151,000/200,000 Tokens :]

I also achieved 95 HP today while dunging, which I am pretty pleased with aswell!

Here's a picture of my current stats, Not an awful has changed, I've gotten 80 cooking so I can use Swallow scrolls for my bunyip, and waterfiends to stay abit longer with lobs/Shark drops. I've gathered another 300 crims, and will definately be living at waterfiends for the next couple of days. I aim to have 75 summoning, in 3 days time, which I think is pretty achieveable.

That sums up my day of scape, I'll be doing another ALog tomorrow night, or in the morning of 23/08/2012.

Cya then! :D

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slayer helm, and mind body or body body , or snakeskin body or mystic robe top :) tbh get a maul if u can but yeh evrything gud and nice alog

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slayer helm, and mind body or body body , or snakeskin body or mystic robe top :) tbh get a maul if u can but yeh evrything gud and nice alog

40 points from 400 Slayer points ( I will work on it today, just afew tasks, current task = tuorths :] )

As for the snake skin body, I don't have any access to anything above 20 defence, (initiate), and I would prefer to stay 60 attack, Maul needs 80.

Mind body is a great option, I didn't even think of that! Thanks a lot! :D

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yo goodluck w/ your goals broski

i'd suggest using an anchor tho for waterfiends


tiny screenies

welcome to the forum :)


lovely famalam

Thanks guys! Much appreciated! :]

Anchor is a good option actually, Cheers alot! :D

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