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Whorin Hero P2p Pk vid.


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so heres my vid..


First account i've ever P2P pked on, so i'm obviously not godly.

Comment, rate, tear it to peices.. I don't care.. lol.

The songs are in the credits.


EDIT:  I don't know why the music is so quiet, i must have accidently screwed up the audio in Sony Vegas.  Sorry for the inconvenience!


k i watch


great video, really loved it

great specs, i hope u dont regret getting 60attack

i really loved the kind of oldschool style pking


music: 8/10

video specials: 8/10

specs: 10/10

overall: 9/10

[move]I hope to see a new one soon![/move]


k i watch


great video, really loved it

great specs, i hope u dont regret getting 60attack

i really loved the kind of oldschool style pking


music: 8/10

video specials: 8/10

specs: 10/10

overall: 9/10

[move]I hope to see a new one soon![/move]

Wow, thank you very much.. i thought you were going to rip on me for "safing" because its a habit i cant break.  Music wise, i just tryed to appeal to every audience, rap, techno, heavy.  I won't be making another anytime soon, i've basically quit RS.

thanks again for the nice comment, i half expected to get ripped a part.


Very Nice vid.

Just 1 thing, you spelt your RSN name wrong in the title? ;)


Very Nice vid.

Just 1 thing, you spelt your RSN name wrong in the title? ;)

LMFAO, oh god.  this is what we call, a blonde moment.

Thanks for pointing that out.


Liked the melee combo's dont see much of them reallly atm. It does look like you safe but you pk very well.

Good video.


10/10 for putting in alesana


thanks guys.  really appreciate it


y are u quiting?

Runescape has gotten extremely dull.


Liked the melee combo's dont see much of them reallly atm. It does look like you safe but you pk very well.

Good video.

yea idk, basically anyone my level can g maul spec well over my hp so i don't know how you could safe agains't that, same with claws.  Thanks.


Nice video, we've fought before, you won one i won one haha. Its Death Rental :D


Old school as fuck, enjoyed


Pretty Good editing.

All clips were kind of the same which made it lack a little.


Pretty Good editing.

All clips were kind of the same which made it lack a little.

Stuff like this is what i need to hear, some tips :o thanks.

and thanks to everyone else :)

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