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Rs ping - aka delay

li oo0oo il

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it sometimes just go up to 700 then 1400 ect.

It makes me get 3 sec delay's anyone know how to fix its been hitting me the past week

i've tried reset my router


Someone in your household may be doing some heavy downloads of horse porn, my little pony, nickleback, ray william johnson, or anything like this, causing you to lag. Approach them in your families rape dungeon and ask them, are you guys doing these heavy downloads, I'm trying to pay for our bondage equipment, but I keep getting 1500ms ping from this shit.

I J3r I Pur3

This is world 54 try world 18... even worse..,


This is world 54 try world 18... even worse..,

its w 40

This is world 54 try world 18... even worse..,

its w 40

Those kind of spikes have got nothing to do with the world you're in. Possible explinations are:

- you are torrenting, and it spikes

- someone else is downloading in your house

- incase there are shitloads of people connected to the same cable and a lot of them start downloading at the same time it might spike

what can you do: tell them to stop downloading


Someone in your household may be doing some heavy downloads of horse porn, my little pony, nickleback, ray william johnson, or anything like this, causing you to lag. Approach them in your families rape dungeon and ask them, are you guys doing these heavy downloads, I'm trying to pay for our bondage equipment, but I keep getting 1500ms ping from this shit.


ty but couldn't there be another explaination than ppl are dl'ing a lot in my house ;S?

Posted (edited)


Edited by k or as i

Yes there easiely could. Runescape doesn't require much bandwidth and I know 4nr internet is beast.


well knowing u mads, u probly dont have a password on your router so probly the whole of dutch land is using ur net.



Someone in your household may be doing some heavy downloads of horse porn, my little pony, nickleback, ray william johnson, or anything like this



ll bump


Someone in your household may be doing some heavy downloads of horse porn, my little pony, nickleback, ray william johnson, or anything like this, causing you to lag. Approach them in your families rape dungeon and ask them, are you guys doing these heavy downloads, I'm trying to pay for our bondage equipment, but I keep getting 1500ms ping from this shit.


well knowing u mads, u probly dont have a password on your router so probly the whole of dutch land is using ur net.





Someone in your household may be doing some heavy downloads of horse porn, my little pony, nickleback, ray william johnson, or anything like this, causing you to lag. Approach them in your families rape dungeon and ask them, are you guys doing these heavy downloads, I'm trying to pay for our bondage equipment, but I keep getting 1500ms ping from this shit.

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