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F2p pking?


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any1 who actively edge pks in f2p?

whats ideal hp level for a pure?


sw prods are op... if youa re like 77 range i believe thats 13s with addys,

and 70-75ish str is 16+ with 2her.

Sorry i don't recall exact numbers, but I had 50 hp flat and did fine, people though i was "safing" but my hp was the same if not lower than theirs


well i will be 40 att 99 str with 50-55hp

prob get close to 90-99 range with no hp boost either with range guild


ull get owned if ur just 55 hp get 75-80


i got a 57 with 70 hp 80 str 84 range good build


I am cb 82 with 99 range, 96 str, 60 attack (curropt), 52 pray, 93 HP


Im strongest f2p pker


I got 75 hp, 40 att 99 str 31 pray, was wrecking them.


F2p pk LOL?

F2p pk LOL?


F2p pk LOL?

F2p pk LOL?

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