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FML-FML-No seriously read this BullSkeet


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So today i was looking at a topic about favourite pk vids and i decided to look one of them up. so i go on youtube typed it  in and then tried to waTCH THE VID it didn't work and then i thought well maybe its just the video so i went and tried to look at 4 other videos none of them work 2 of them were really popular other 2 were no name ones so its obviously me raight? well i started to think and the other day when i updated firefox (my internet browser) it said i needed to get the latest version of adobe and me being an idiot said i'd do it later (which i didn't) so now i think i need newest version... if anyone has the page of firefox where it tells where to get latest version of adobe please post it..

thanks for reading this long as rant/help post any help would be appreciated

thanks again guys  :( :( :(


Fixed  :lol: downloaded the newest version or whatever and youtube is working now

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