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Devils total and me being dumb


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Well this is my newest pure in progress and such, I achived the 666 total today along with 60 range. I guess my stats are good for my level but they could be better. I have enough feathers to get me to around 85 fishing and around 78-80ish cooking in my bank. I guess this pure is turning out all right usually its totally failed by now. I know its not much but its progress for me, this is my first account in over 7 years to reach 60 range.

Hopefully one day I will join FOE  :D

Posted Image

Feel free to comment what I should raise up etc. Also I'm as of currently combat level 42



yeah I know my mage is sorta low though I plan to raise it in FOG after I do some skilling.


holy shit first account in 7 years to get 60 range

you fail bro might aswell quit


holy shit first account in 7 years to get 60 range

you fail bro might aswell quit

No trolling  :shifty:

Just train up your combat stats evenly


holy shit first account in 7 years to get 60 range

you fail bro might aswell quit

wow em I played a total of like 3 hours between june-august, Ive just started back up the other day.


oh gl with your pure just stick to it if you get bored don't quit just do something else so you don't get sick of whatever your doing train in between pking or do a minigame just keep working  :lol: best advice i could give atm oh and err why not train str through slayer and or range through slay and or mage through slayer just a thought..  :D


oh god not this noob again lol

good luck anyways and dont fail again


oh god not this noob again lol

good luck anyways and dont fail again

Lol I'm a noob because of what I said about my mother? Also I'm getting up his total then I'm planning to get 80 range and mage. But yeah I failed so many numerous times... O W N E D I, 1atack_99str, Hopefully not this one but I'm working on it and should have around an 800-900 total by the end of 09'  :sleep:


In 7 years only get 60 range o.O lol wow


In 7 years only get 60 range o.O lol wow

If I reach my goal of a 900 total this year(which I should if not come close) it will be the highest total on any of my current accounts. And I HAD higher than 60 range before, that was a few years back but the account got hacked so its the first time in that long to have this high range.

Wtf Is Eop | Ty

Gl Bruh Hope u dont fail this one :P


I dont have a dbow yet, I have the money to buy one but I only have p2p for a bit longer then I have f2p for like a month or two which during that time I will train combat and skill so like in 1.5 months Ill buy a dbow.


You should stick to 1 account...


You should stick to 1 account...

This is currently the only account I play, those other accounts I listed(plus a few more) were previous and I no longer use them, so currently I only play this one when I can.

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