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georgie is ma gf now xxxxxxxxxxx


georgie is ma gf now xxxxxxxxxxx

groce shes a whale.

she blocked me cause of my last comment rofl


Shoulders 13/10

Rotator cuff warmups.

Military Press

20 x 17

25 x 11

30 x 8

DB Shoulder Press

12s x 6

20s x 9

20s x 7

DB Shrugs

24s x 12

45s x 6

45s x 4

32s x 12

32s x 8

Lateral Raises

6s x 20

10s x 12

14s x 8

8s x 12

Upright Rows

29 x 8

19 x 15

19 x 12

Face Pull

21.25 x 12

26,25 x 12

31,25 x 10

Did some ab work after too.


dw shes a freak good workouts joe!!!!


Not been going as much lately because of work, when i work 8-5 I'm always so tired and fall asleep on the bus, then because i've fallen asleep on the bus I just want to sleep when I get home.. gonna start going to the gym in the town i work in after work from tomorrow cause I should be alright if I go b4 falling asleep on the bus. Also need to stop neglecting legs

Back 15/10


60 x 12

80 x 10

100 x 4

Underhand Barbell Row

40 x 12

60 x 12

60 x 10

70 x 6

Straight Arm Pulldown

26.25 x 8

26.25 x 4

18.75 x 8

13.75 x 8

Seated Cable Row, wide grip.

31.25 x 12

33.75 x 12

41.25 x 11

Cable Pulldown, wide grip.

41.25 x 13

48.75 x 10

53.75 x 9


Why arent you doing pull ups


Why arent you doing pull ups

I did a set of 6 at the start lol, first time i've not done multiple sets of pullups at the start of my workout, not really grounds to call me out on it lol

Chest 16/10

Went to the gym in the town in work in, won't be going there again, it's fucking shit lol.. in the actual gym area, they don't have any barbells, the highest db is 30kg, and there's 1 bench. then they have some dingey basement they call the 'pump room' off out past the swimming pools where they have barbells and shit, the dbs go up to 50kg but they go up to that in my regular gym anyway :S

One Arm Pec Fly

33 x 15

47 x 12

54 x 10

54 x 8

Flat DB Bench

22s x 12

24s x 7

20s x 8

20s x 5

Decline DB Bench

20s x 12

20s x 9

20s x 8

20s x 6

Flat BB Bench

30 x 12

40 x 6

30 x 9

Close Grip Bench

20 x 14

20 x 12

25 x 9


15 x 15

30 x 12

40 x 8


do u even incline

incline db bench for best exercise in the world!!


do u even incline

incline db bench for best exercise in the world!!

my upper chest is ridiculously disproportionate to lower lol


I wasnt calling you out, just looked at ur last few back workouts and you havent written them down.

Because theyre a core back exercise, nothing makes your lats grow like them.

Im only mentioning as i want you to get bigger :)


So what if i can only do like 1 pull up rofl.

Should i still do it?


yeh cause next time ull be able to do 2 etc, or use one that takes abit of weight off u, or get ur friend/spotter to lift ur legs up abit.

Nothing like sets of 10+ weighted pull ups


yeh cause next time ull be able to do 2 etc, or use one that takes abit of weight off u, or get ur friend/spotter to lift ur legs up abit.

Nothing like sets of 10+ weighted pull ups

Its dumb, all my compound back exercises are increasing in strength quite a bit and yet still my pullups wont increase... should i do chinups after my sets of pullups too do u reckon thatd help


Do pull ups as ur first exercise, most people warm up on pull ups but because you find them difficult (being srs not taking piss) you should warm your rotator cuffs, do light latpulldowns and crack straight on.

Do as many as u can on your own, then get your spotter to help u with the last few, try to get a few on ur own, then 8-10 assisted.

Also do heavy cable lat pull downs, not guided/machines. Its not just about pure latstrength but about the little stability muscles too. Hence when you first start you find chest machines easy compared to benching/dumbell press (you wobble like fuck)


yeh cause next time ull be able to do 2 etc, or use one that takes abit of weight off u, or get ur friend/spotter to lift ur legs up abit.

Nothing like sets of 10+ weighted pull ups

Its dumb, all my compound back exercises are increasing in strength quite a bit and yet still my pullups wont increase

your gaining weight arn't you :) so realistically maintaining the same amount of strict form pull-ups is still progression.

but keep pushing for more!


first day back to gym today, i've had a week off because I've worked 6 days in a row 8-5.. getting up at 6am and getting home at 6.30-7.30pm is fucking draining. My sleeping pattern seems to be fixed now too which is better, I can actually go to sleep at like 10pm when I have to get up at 6, so this will be beneficial.

Gonna follow you guys advice[cant remember if it was tom or roids] and do light pulldowns before pullups.. can't wait.

also me and my mate were doing chinups on the fresh foods chiller door in the warehouse out the back and I did like 15 and coulda done more, not done them in ages and could do 8 last time i did them at the gym haha.. standard


jus quoit it clearly u ent gt wot it takes lol


why do u zigzag between being the most obvious troll, to being serious, pick 1 lol

Back and Biceps 22/10

Pulldown Machine(warmup)

15 x 12

35 x 8

35 x 8








Underhand Barbell Row

40 x 13

50 x 12

70 x 6

Straight Arm Pulldown, pause and mega slow negatives.

21.25 x 11

21.25 x 6

18.75 x 7

18.75 x 5

Seated Cable Row, wide grip

41.25 x 12

48.75 x 9

48.75 x 7

Preacher Curl, extremely slow negatives

10s x 9

8s x 8

6s x 13

Hammer Curls

14s x 9

12s x 9

Bicep Curls, starting with pronated position, ending supernated. [means twisting for u kunts]

12s x 8

12s x 8

12s x 7


why do u zigzag between being the most obvious troll, to being serious, pick 1 lol

manz bipolar init fam


cos im original, a hybrid troll


Lolnot hard i worked 9-630 5-6 times a week + college for what 9 months and still trained at night.


jus quoit it clearly u ent gt wot it takes lol


how dare u


Lolnot hard i worked 9-630 5-6 times a week + college for what 9 months and still trained at night.

yeah he works everyday and still manages to do 1000000 reps of calf raises every hour

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