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make sure to track your penis progress with pics


Hi joe

is CGBP the only thing you do for your triceps?

Great progress so far but only feedback I can give from pics is your arms are lacking 2 things, which is upper forearm and tricep, good peaks from the bicep however.

Try some heavy pulldowns or kickbacks, get a really big burn and pump before close grip

all the best


Ill post up a tricep pose when im home, i think my triceps are better than my biceps personally lol.. i normally do pushdowns as well.. depends how my triceps feel at the end and they felt knackered lol

edit, here:


I spose my triceps are probably worse than my biceps lol, im used to seeing them in the gym though, I get a huge tricep pump compared to anything else.

It's weird, I can row 38s, bench 26s and shoulder press 20s, so disproportionate lol :S


It's weird, I can row 38s, bench 26s and shoulder press 20s, so disproportionate lol :S

not at all.. u expect to shoulder press 38s?

i rowed 55 for 9, can bench 55s for about 10, and shoulder press 40s for 10, i guess ur row is deffinately better or mines just shit


It's weird, I can row 38s, bench 26s and shoulder press 20s, so disproportionate lol :S

not at all.. u expect to shoulder press 38s?

i rowed 55 for 9, can bench 55s for about 10, and shoulder press 40s for 10, i guess ur row is deffinately better or mines just shit

Depends on how slow you do your rows and the contraction, I only do BB rows which is usually 1 plate to warm, 2 plates for working sets

On topic:

Good pic Joe, it depends on peoples structure, for me triceps and hamstrings are hard to grow, therefore I've got to hit them harder then the parallel muscles to get the proportions right, gj and keep going

Have you used any gear yet?


It's weird, I can row 38s, bench 26s and shoulder press 20s, so disproportionate lol :S

not at all.. u expect to shoulder press 38s?

i rowed 55 for 9, can bench 55s for about 10, and shoulder press 40s for 10, i guess ur row is deffinately better or mines just shit

Nah but i'd expect to bench maybe 30s and overhead 24s-26s if i'm rowing 38s. guess my back is just genetically my best part.

It's weird, I can row 38s, bench 26s and shoulder press 20s, so disproportionate lol :S

not at all.. u expect to shoulder press 38s?

i rowed 55 for 9, can bench 55s for about 10, and shoulder press 40s for 10, i guess ur row is deffinately better or mines just shit

Depends on how slow you do your rows and the contraction, I only do BB rows which is usually 1 plate to warm, 2 plates for working sets

On topic:

Good pic Joe, it depends on peoples structure, for me triceps and hamstrings are hard to grow, therefore I've got to hit them harder then the parallel muscles to get the proportions right, gj and keep going

Have you used any gear yet?

I've used clen, if you count that.. but nah was gonna do a dbol cycle but i'd likely lose my hair because male pattern baldness is strong in my genes, older brothers lost their hair at like 30, so it worries me.. also my hair is pretty thin at the front lol. idk though cause i've heard your hair genes come from mother's side not father's in which case i'd be okay. Making nice natural gains anyway, gone from benching 22s for 6, to 26s for 7... rowing 28s for 6 to 38s for 8 in a month so far.

OT: Also couldn't go to gym today because I forgot the gym closes at 8 and didn't get home from work till 7.40, else I woulda gone before work.


Back 15/09

Didnt have much time cause I had to come out to meet my mate to buy some clen off him for when I cut next


Me x 6

Me x 3

Less than monday, was dissapointed.. although I used the higher pullup bar so maybe it's that idk.

One Arm DB Row

20s x 8 Warmup

36s x 10

36s x 9

36s x 12, no idea how I managed that.

Low Cable Row

48.75 x 12

53.75 x 11

56.25 x 9

Straight Arm Pulldown

26.25 x 10

26.25 x 7

21.25 x 9

Did less stuff than last time but doesn't rly matter, I hit everything 2x a week anyway.


Dbol is worth it if your scared to inject, or do sustanon and dbol same time, in 3 weeks become a bloated cunt :D, then when u come off it and slim down definitely noticeable changes


not gonna be a wanker and tell you that your form sucks,but you dont seem to be getting a sqeeze and your just lifting the weight up and down, rather then bringing it towards the back to get a better sqeeze on lower lats


fawk 36 reps for 10 sets on db rows, jesus


not gonna be a wanker and tell you that your form sucks,but you dont seem to be getting a sqeeze and your just lifting the weight up and down, rather then bringing it towards the back to get a better sqeeze on lower lats

yh my form aint perfect




Bar x 10

40 x 12

50 x 12

70 x 7

Calf Raises

40 x 12

120 x 8

100 x 8

Seated Leg Curl

45 x 15

55 x 12

65 x 10


8 sets of light rotator cuff warmups.

DB Shoulder Press

12s x 8 Warmup

20s x 8

20s x 7

18s x 4 was fatigued to fuck, no idea why.

Lateral Raises

4s x 15

8s x 12

10s x 11

Cable Upright Row

18.75 x 12

23.75 x 12

Seated Face Pulls

16.25 x 12

18.75 x 12

21.25 x 10

26.25 x 8

DB Shrugs

26s x 12

28s x 10

30s x 8

Liquid chalk from myprotein coming tomorrow, will hopefully help a lot, my grip holds me back a bit on some exercises such as shrugs/dl/rows


Liquid chalk from myprotein coming tomorrow, will hopefully help a lot, my grip holds me back a bit on some exercises such as shrugs/dl/rows

why dont u use ur straps on the deads u fanny lol


Liquid chalk from myprotein coming tomorrow, will hopefully help a lot, my grip holds me back a bit on some exercises such as shrugs/dl/rows

why dont u use ur straps on the deads u fanny lol

I do lol but I didn't see a huge difference tbh :S


Liquid chalk from myprotein coming tomorrow, will hopefully help a lot, my grip holds me back a bit on some exercises such as shrugs/dl/rows

why dont u use ur straps on the deads u fanny lol

I do lol but I didn't see a huge difference tbh :S

theyre supposed to be tight to the point where they leave your wrists marked and bruised


Yeah straps have helped me so much dont think id try and go heavy without them now.


Liquid chalk from myprotein coming tomorrow, will hopefully help a lot, my grip holds me back a bit on some exercises such as shrugs/dl/rows

why dont u use ur straps on the deads u fanny lol

I do lol but I didn't see a huge difference tbh :S

theyre supposed to be tight to the point where they leave your wrists marked and bruised

think ima get new straps, cant do them that tight tbh cause the end part of it that goes round ur wrist is pretty rigid




not gonna be a wanker and tell you that your form sucks,but you dont seem to be getting a sqeeze and your just lifting the weight up and down, rather then bringing it towards the back to get a better sqeeze on lower lats

he's just showing off for the video and uses less weight when actually or training...i assume




not gonna be a wanker and tell you that your form sucks,but you dont seem to be getting a sqeeze and your just lifting the weight up and down, rather then bringing it towards the back to get a better sqeeze on lower lats

he's just showing off for the video and uses less weight when actually or training...i assume

yh u got me.. showing off my massive 36kg lift :S




not gonna be a wanker and tell you that your form sucks,but you dont seem to be getting a sqeeze and your just lifting the weight up and down, rather then bringing it towards the back to get a better sqeeze on lower lats

he's just showing off for the video and uses less weight when actually or training...i assume

yh u got me.. showing off my massive 36kg lift :S

Well normally thats the reason people have such terrible form, because for some reason, in the gym they have something to prove and feel the need to use bigger weights to impress others. When in reality, anyone in with a valid opinion will facepalm when lilguys try to handle more weight than they're capable of. And yes, you are showing off, you are clearly very proud of your "dumbell rows", or you wouldn't have uploaded two videos of the same lift.


not gonna be a wanker and tell you that your form sucks,but you dont seem to be getting a sqeeze and your just lifting the weight up and down, rather then bringing it towards the back to get a better sqeeze on lower lats

he's just showing off for the video and uses less weight when actually or training...i assume

Joe isnt a dumbass who would lift their max just for the video with bad form, he does take advice however and doesn't really care on any form of flaming or trolling

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