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Need Help With Cropping.

2 Inch Maul

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What Am I Doing Wrong?

I Tried Using the Square but it just leaves a shit load of white space.

Posted Image


kk once you take the pic put it on paint (right click paste) make sure there is no excess white space... go to the image button at the top and click crop once you do that crop what you need to and again make sure there isĀ  N O extra white space to check go to the bottom right of the paint picture scroll down and to the right as far as you can check for excess space and you should be good..


Posted Image

- Take the picture.

- Paste it into Paint.

- Go to the "Edit" tab and click "Select all"

- Drag it so the top-left hand corner of the part you want to keep into the top-left hand corner of paint.

- In the very bottom right hand corner there is a little blue square that allows you to decrease / increase the size of the paint page, and drag it to the bottom right hand corner of the picture that you want, should come out nicely.

( Don't know if that made sense to you, if so you can PM me on IRC - [Foe]Elven_Dremor and I'll be happy to help in more detail ).


Thank You that helped me alot =]


lol, "are you sure u want to fight me?"

damn i died..

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