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But why?


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I have heard that RuneScape Hybriding is totally DEAD (I seen it also myself) and I have been told it will happen to rest of Rs pking soon.. Why does this happen? What will happen to RuneScape? What happened to that pkign community what we (atleast me) used to love?


-- Please answer with your thoughts, so we will see what is happened and what will happen.


Ps. NoLife Rs player right here! If Rs will be gone? Life - NoLifeRs - No Rs = Time to Suicide?


Edge pking isnt dead but it isnt what it used to be


there's an update coming which you can read up on about on youtube on several videos and this update will make the game for pures less fun due to it giving def reqs to a lot of items that are 1 def right now and armour will depend your amount of lifepoints big time and as a pure can't wear good armour their lp will be shit and so pking will be shit

i believe some foe hc 1 hitted our leader with literally 1 hit ( jamie > dan) correct me if im wrong


Im pretty sure that all those rage posts almost 250K -(check yourself, because im not sure) will affect.. Atleast we can try go on forums and rage our asses off! I'm fighting against eoc! and anyways: It's not even here yet so why the fuck waste life talking ''Eoc will come byaah!'' while we can pk.. This isnt FOE what I wanted to join... That Foe fought till the end.. This is just stupid ...


There is another update coming that will boost edge pking an hybrding. Jagex is implementing the pking timer again meaning no pjing and rushing xD


Hope so,, Because this is pathetic.


people telly/tag/pj/rush and telly/rush and run etc. pking egde in brid gear is just not worth dying to a ragger.


Yeah I tried it today.. got gmaul rushed 5times in 2minutes and then I decided to leave.. Wilderness bad these days..


Only EdgeVille main pking is still alive

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