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50 attack?


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Hello, FOE!

I am in the progress of making a pure. Currently 40 strength and range and 20 attack.

I was looking around the site and saw a lot of people with 50 attack. I was thinking of getting 60. What would be a better choice?


60 attack is the best between 40 and 50


50 is beast in my opinion. I quit my 60 attack pure to make a new 50 attack one


If you want to be low level with really high stats 1 pray 50 attack is the best choice.


depends if u only 1v1 pk or hybrid if u hybrid id advise 60 atk+ if u mainly 1v1 id say maul spec epicness


get 50 first, then later you'd want to get 60, then progress to like 70+ :P


Stay 50 till about 80 strength or at least while your cb 65 and under

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