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really want to come back....

Lofty Range

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I really want to come back to runescape on my pure for the next 2 months or so until the update. Do you guys think it's worth it? i guess i should enjoy it as long as i can right? I've been reading around and saw that some people plan to quit after the update and think that pures will die out, others say that pures have survived every other update and are still around. i just find it hard to believe we can survive this one. let me know what you think. thanks a lot.


ye come back and join foe


well, the only problem with that is my pure wouldn't be accepted, 30 def and no turm : ( to poor. but it does have 95 range 94 mage, hand cannon, slayer helm, body body, dagon hai, zaniks cb, rune gloves, and more that i can't think of, 107 quest points. (in my opinion there's no reason it shouldn't be accepted, but not my rules i guess). i put in a really crappy app before i quit last time for shits and gigs.


might aswell enjoy last few months before it's gone


Tbh Dont make the mistake to coming back to runescape.


well, the only problem with that is my pure wouldn't be accepted, 30 def and no turm : ( to poor. but it does have 95 range 94 mage, hand cannon, slayer helm, body body, dagon hai, zaniks cb, rune gloves, and more that i can't think of, 107 quest points. (in my opinion there's no reason it shouldn't be accepted, but not my rules i guess). i put in a really crappy app before i quit last time for shits and gigs.



well, the only problem with that is my pure wouldn't be accepted, 30 def and no turm : ( to poor. but it does have 95 range 94 mage, hand cannon, slayer helm, body body, dagon hai, zaniks cb, rune gloves, and more that i can't think of, 107 quest points. (in my opinion there's no reason it shouldn't be accepted, but not my rules i guess). i put in a really crappy app before i quit last time for shits and gigs.


if what you are saying by the "lol" is that my account is so bad could you explain to me what is so bad about it? i don't think it's that a big of a deal really, of course i would love to have turm, i'm just trying to make due with what i have is all.

lol dont you see the highlighted parts?


lol dont you see the highlighted parts?

yeah, i see and i understand it's not ideal, but is it really that bad? still does plenty of damage.

The state of rs is shit atm, but I guess it's your last chance before clanning dies, up to you ^^

Just buy the gp for turm :P


I do have another pure, that's low level, and i kinda wanna just get on and quest it for the heck of it. i always kinda took runescape for granted and just messed around, never really got anywhere as far as good money and stats goes. now that it's most likely gone i wish i still had more time to really play the game. Does anyone think there is still hope for pures in the future? even just a tiny bit, that will be enough to convince to get back at it and go hard.


lol dont you see the highlighted parts?

yeah, i see and i understand it's not ideal, but is it really that bad? still does plenty of damage.

WELL, the way i read it, it hasnt rly got anything to do with ur stats whatsoever, and if it doesnt come across crystal clear to you from looking and connecting the highlighted parts idk what to say.


might aswell enjoy the rest of your time as a pure!

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