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My little pure/ what's to come?

acid Dancer

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Hey guys, been away from RS for awhile now. I have a pure, low level to be honest, 50 attack, 70 str, 70 range, 13 pray, no mage really at the moment. It's pretty quested, i have mith gloves so far, bear head, stuff like that, some of the good pure items. i want to get training this pure and questing it up really nice. The problem that i have encountered is, am i pretty much only going to be able to play on a pure until the EOC update? From what i hear many of you will be quitting RS altogether, others maybe just quitting pures. Do you guys think there is any hope for pures after the EOC comes out? if so what kind of levels do you recommend for a 1 def pure? from what i hear 60 attack with 52 pray is pretty much the number one preferred "build" these days. Any input help guys, thanks in advance. : )


max out 99 attack str magic range summon yolo


max out 99 attack str magic range summon yolo


Maxed 1 def 99 att, pray, nd summ

Ready Ok FOE

50-60 ATT




13/52 PRAY

57/79/99 Summon

pure stats and always have addy gloves


Maxed 1 def 99 att, pray, nd summ

The dream account


Thanks for all the account feedback guys, but whats to come with the EOC? am i even gonna be able to play on my pure, or have to quit? i don;t want to put a ton of effort into something i won;t be able to enjoy..

Niklaus Mikaelson

1def 60 att maxed

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