Reevesy Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 http://www.bodybuild...ght-barbell-row Type: Strength Main Muscle Worked: Shoulders Other Muscles: Traps Equipment: Barbell My god, you can't seriously be this dumb. Your insecurity continues to amaze me. Get a life. actually you're the dumb one, thats an upright row you twat.
Dog Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 Lmfao at calling upright rows barbell rows, and IM dumb hahahaha. Also im pretty secure tbh i just enjoy murking man on the internet
MikeQ Posted October 6, 2012 Author Posted October 6, 2012 Murking...that's one way to look at it. Going to go ahead and post today's log so that I have a full week of work to reference in the future. Won't be around these forums much, though. Friday 10/5/12 - Legs and some Benching Squats 135*10 225*8 245*6 275*5 315*3 Weighted Lunges 115*8, each leg 115*8 135*5 Flat Bench 135*10 205*1 185*3 165*5 155*6 135*8 Calf Press 250*30 250*30 315*20
Adam|Spakka Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 Gj on taking everyones advice mate. I really think you will start to make lots of gains now :)
Reevesy Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 Gj on taking everyones advice mate. I really think you will start to make lots of gains now :) that was awful sarcasm
MikeQ Posted October 6, 2012 Author Posted October 6, 2012 Yet another douche to address... When some useful advice is offered I will gladly take it. e.g. You mean to tell me that eating more will increase my weight?? No way! Why didn't I think of that?! I'm not a fat nerd trying to get in shape. I grew up as an athlete. Don't need advice from fatties who just started lifting a few months ago. And before this ignites a further flame war: I am glad that said fatties are making the effort to get in shape. I would never make a negative comment about someone showing the dedication to get results, unless they decided to be a jackass on my thread.
Hotkeying Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 Yet another douche to address... When some useful advice is offered I will gladly take it. e.g. You mean to tell me that eating more will increase my weight?? No way! Why didn't I think of that?! I'm not a fat nerd trying to get in shape. I grew up as an athlete. Don't need advice from fatties who just started lifting a few months ago. And before this ignites a further flame war: I am glad that said fatties are making the effort to get in shape. I would never make a negative comment about someone showing the dedication to get results, unless they decided to be a jackass on my thread. Grew up as an athlete? Let me guess... higher jump? Wait no, Javelin? Or perhaps long distance runner. Being an "athlete" doesn't mean you know shit about working out, because if you are confusing rows with upright rows then clearly you require assistance. I lol'd at the "don't need advice from fatties" comment, way to judge everyone when you in fact are the one that's knowledge is limited in this particular subject.
MikeQ Posted October 6, 2012 Author Posted October 6, 2012 I would have responded sooner, but I had to have my hand surgically removed from my face after facepalming so hard. I've been avoiding going on a long rant for several reasons. 1) I don't have the time. 2) I don't feel the need to prove anything to random usernames on a video game forum. 3) People are ill-informed and make non-sensical arguments. It would take longer to set the correct parameters for an argument than it would to refute the idiotic and baseless claim itself. 4)That being said, I now feel that a thorough rebuttal is needed to set a few pricks straight. Namely this Hotkeying retard. Also it is Saturday morning and I'm just watching a few football games; so this should be fun. Disclaimer: If you are simply a troll -- congratulations. You are decent at writing infuriating horseshit. If you are serious; you're a dumbass. Also, I realize that this post will appear incredibly douchey and self-serving. I would normally never do something like this, but as previously mentioned, I have some time to kill and I haven't been involved in a big debate recently, so this seems pretty close. Grew up as an athlete? Let me guess... higher jump? Wait no, Javelin? Or perhaps long distance runner. Being an "athlete" doesn't mean you know shit about working out, because if you are confusing rows with upright rows then clearly you require assistance. I lol'd at the "don't need advice from fatties" comment, way to judge everyone when you in fact are the one that's knowledge is limited in this particular subject. Try baseball, ice hockey, soccer (yes we call it soccer here, get over it), basketball, and track. Not only did I play these sports, but I played them on a high level on club and school teams. I will list a few credentials for each. Baseball - 14 years of experience. This was probably my best sport. I played on both state and regional club teams along with middle and high school teams. I was a starting shortstop on each team and star pitcher. I batted leadoff and consistently had the highest average on the team. I received scholarship offers from several smaller universities, but decided to forego those opportunities to attend a prestigious academic university. We will get to academics later. Hockey - 10 years of experience. Again, I played for the state prospect development team, meaning that I was one of the best 15 players in the state. I was our starting center and leading goal scorer. The highlight of my hockey career was winning a regional tournament making us the best team in the Southeastern U.S. I was awarded tournament MVP as I scored 11 out of our team's 18 goals. Once I reached high school I had to drop hockey for baseball as I did not have time to play both. Soccer - 8 years of excperience. I was the starting left midfielder for a local club team. Sevearl of the guys I played with went on to play under scholarship at top universities. This gives you an idea of the quality of the team. The last year I played, we won the state tournament for division 1 clubs. I scored the deciding goal on a PK. Basketball - As you can imagine with all of the other sports I was involved in, I did not have much time for another. I played one year of basketball my senior year of high school just for something fun to do during the baseball off season. Even though this was my first year playing, I started at point guard and led the team in scoring and assists, as well as being regarded as a quality defender. Granted this was rec league, it still gives you an idea of the level of athleticism I possessed. Track - Coaches encouraged us to run track to stay in top shape. I ran the 200, 400, and 800m for my high school team. I finished 3rd in the 800 and 5th in the 400 at the state meet. And for you Euros, our states are similar to the size of your entire countries. As far as workouts for these sports go, it was unlike anything you will ever experience. The level of fitness required to compete in these high level leagues was incredible. Fitness started at 5 a.m. and lasted several hours. If you didn't throw up multiple times, you weren't working hard enough. Now you have an idea of how condescending it is for an amateur to attempt to give you lifting advice. To address the issue of "barbell rows:" I know what the fuck the difference is between a bent over row and an upright right. I sincerely apologize for leaving out a word in my haste to quickly create a log between meetings and homework assignments I must complete. I realize that it is expecting entirely too much of you to understand what was meant by barbell row on a shoulder day. If we look back on my back day log, we see he following: Bent Over Barbell Rows135*10 145*8 155*8 Why would I do the same workout on two different days using vastly different weights? Any knowledgable person could easily understand what was meant. Now we move on to my real strengths. Academics. I went through my entire childhood without receiving anything less than an A. I scored in the 99.9 percentile on every standardized that was thrown at me. To give an example, the common college entrance exam in the U.S. is the ACT. I scored a 35, which puts me in the top 0.001% intellectually. Now, I am not one to place too much importance on one test, so let's look at some credentials, similar to athletics. I will gradute in May with a Bachelor's of Science in Mechanical Engineering. I am currently ranked top of my class in a school which is widely known for its superior engineering program. I am involved in an honors undergraduate research program and am already published in several scientific journals for my research of thermal diffusivity through solid media. i have served two internships at major engineering companies and have already received full time job offers for when I graduate. Starting salary is $70,000/year with a rapid increase based on performance. I also look to make significant money from a patent I have pending involving improving the efficiency of internal combustion engines. So, what I'm trying to say is...I'm doing just fine. You should focus your efforts on improving your obviously lacking life. TL;DR - Go fuck yourself.
Steroids Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 most advice given to you has been good/relevant btw lol. not sure how this even happened.
Dog Posted October 7, 2012 Posted October 7, 2012 i literally have never once heard anybody call an upright row a 'barbell row' though.. google, or youtube the words 'barbell row' and tell me what ONE exercise comes up. also you make me laugh, nobody cares if you played football or hockey or got an A in the history of africa.. this is bodybuilding, none of that is relevant whatsoever.. i am not an academic person whatsoever but the speed at which I gain knowledge in this field of my own accord without being advised, and the results i've had, are arguably.. nothing short of amazing. but i still put my ego to the side and take people's advice frequently. shove ur A's up ur nans ass.
MikeQ Posted October 7, 2012 Author Posted October 7, 2012 You people just don't give up. I'm tired now so this post won't be nearly as long. I did forget being the first foe member to max melee. That is by far my greatest achievement; can't believe I forgot that one. After re-reading the first page of this topic, I must admit that I am at fault for a lot of the hostility in this thread. @Dog of peace, I thought you were the same guy as hotkeying when I read your original post about doing "barbell rows" on shoulder and bicep day. You had the same forum rank and I wasn't really paying attention when I responded so I called you an idiot leading to you getting pissed off and some angry posts ensued. I was already annoyed with hotkeying for his dumb posts and thought I was calling him an idiot. So I apologize for that. The reason I gave the life story was your second post, in response to me calling you an idiot (again, my bad), you went off on getting a job, being more financially responsible, blah blah blah. The moral of my long rant was that I have been financially independent since the age of 18 and held several prestigious job titles for a student. I will be making a very good salary in the next few months and will be able to afford all the food I can eat. About the infamous barbell rows: Yes, I can see that the terminology I used would lead many to think of bent over rows. I think it's pretty clear now what I meant and we can forget about all that bullshit. About accepting advice: I was not disrespectful in my response to Reevesy. I did not mention that I was looking to bulk up. I simply stated that the purpose of this thread was as a reference point. I quickly stated that I wasn't looking for advice, as I know a lot about lifting and general fitness, and for some reason that angered several people. I like having low body fat and abs along with strength. When I have an expendable income next year I will worry about bulking. In summary, I apologize for the unnecessary response to dog where I called him an idiot. I feel like that started most of the nonsense. I am rarely involved in internet drama, so I feel kind of embarassed that this got so out of hand. That's all for now.
Hotkeying Posted October 7, 2012 Posted October 7, 2012 Just so you know, attempting to justify your essay by saying you have time to kill doesn't make it any less sad.
Hotkeying Posted October 7, 2012 Posted October 7, 2012 I never understood why people feel the need to let everyone in on their qualifications, salary and all that shit. It's so fucking beta bro, not to mention anyone can go on the internet and say this and that when it can't be proved. By the way, did I mention i'm studying mechanical engineering at the university of Cambridge next year? I will then be graduating in Rocket science. How? Well I'm a world class rower, received 12 A*s at GCSE and a total of nine thousand UCAS points. I will be spending my GAP YEAR, traveling around Africa searching for a cure for Aids, a trip that will be funded by the Geneva convention. But anyways, nice CV, didn't read any of it but i'm sure inbetween posting rants on runescape forums you are an extremely successful individual. Note: That is how you own someone on the internet. No essay required. Short, sharp, efficient, just like the fucking jailbaitwarrior. Take notes.
Sean`` Posted October 7, 2012 Posted October 7, 2012 I never understood why people feel the need to let everyone in on their qualifications, salary and all that shit. It's so fucking beta bro, not to mention anyone can go on the internet and say this and that when it can't be proved. By the way, did I mention i'm studying mechanical engineering at the university of Cambridge next year? I will then be graduating in Rocket science. How? Well I'm a world class rower, received 12 A*s at GCSE and a total of nine thousand UCAS points. I will be spending my GAP YEAR, traveling around Africa searching for a cure for Aids, a trip that will be funded by the Geneva convention. But anyways, nice CV, didn't read any of it but i'm sure inbetween posting rants on runescape forums you are an extremely successful individual. Note: That is how you own someone on the internet. No essay required. Short, sharp, efficient, just like the fucking jailbaitwarrior. Take notes. + a U in maths.
Adam|Spakka Posted October 7, 2012 Posted October 7, 2012 I never understood why people feel the need to let everyone in on their qualifications, salary and all that shit. It's so fucking beta bro, not to mention anyone can go on the internet and say this and that when it can't be proved. By the way, did I mention i'm studying mechanical engineering at the university of Cambridge next year? I will then be graduating in Rocket science. How? Well I'm a world class rower, received 12 A*s at GCSE and a total of nine thousand UCAS points. I will be spending my GAP YEAR, traveling around Africa searching for a cure for Aids, a trip that will be funded by the Geneva convention. But anyways, nice CV, didn't read any of it but i'm sure inbetween posting rants on runescape forums you are an extremely successful individual. Note: That is how you own someone on the internet. No essay required. Short, sharp, efficient, just like the fucking jailbaitwarrior. Take notes. I love you
Dog Posted October 8, 2012 Posted October 8, 2012 just keep posting ur log and dont bother replying to them
Hotkeying Posted October 8, 2012 Posted October 8, 2012 just keep posting ur log and dont bother replying to them A little brown nosing from MikeQ and your off the case? Classic dog of integrity
Reevesy Posted October 8, 2012 Posted October 8, 2012 just keep posting ur log and dont bother replying to them A little brown nosing from MikeQ and your off the case? Classic dog of integrity or just too much effort on your behalf lol
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