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Fear One ~ FOE's New Sponsor!


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IRC Channel: #Fear-One

Forums: http://www.fear-one.com

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheJust4izzy

Friends Chat : Fear One

Location : W124 Furnace, Edgeville

This topic is to confirm the official sponsorship between #FinalOwnage and #Fear-One. Please take your time to register on their forums and idle in their IRC if possible. Subscribe to their youtube if you have a youtube account.

Let's hope this works out for both of us in the long run.

Their topic on their forums. Give it a look. :)



how do they make money

They are a dicing clan


who the fuck were we sponsored with before


More people in there more we get.


i think we were sponsored by smoking dice before. and yay more money gets to go into leaders topics


What does it do for them?


Yayay thats my dice fc!


We used to sponser these guys

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