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decided to come back, what to do now?

acid Dancer

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hey, i asked around to see what you guys thought about comming back to rs. Many people said i should and enjoy what time is left, with that i decided to start up membership today. my account stats are as follows.

50 attack

70 str

1 def

70 range

65 hp

13 prayer

30 mage

as far as quests go i have mith gloves, and rune crafting robes. maybe more, but that's the basics. my goal is to have the requirements to apply to foe by the end of the month, what are some things other then getting up stats that i should look into? i only 26m so i can;t just boost my way up there as far as chinning and alching go. i am hoping to get there by the end of the month so i can enjoy clanning for a while, i appreciate any advice you can give, thanks.


Alching : alch gold bracelets :o its like no loss :o

Ready Ok FOE

auto alch in void boat or soul wars, buy 100m, chin up to 80+ range, get ice bursting rock lobs for dat mage exp and summ xp till u get 57 summ from it, then make ur way to 94 mage. bot 60 att in like 1-2H and then bot str overnights/dung overnights for stream



Buying gp is the way to go nowadays bro, shits dirt cheap


Came back, go again. Not worth getting back into the game.

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