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rigour vs chaotic x bow (for preps)

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was wondering which was was actually better for preps since i doubt id use the crossbow anytime in wild since i have maul and runic

the chaotic crossbow is better in terms of accuracy but the prayer obviously gives you the damage boost




I'd get ccb because you just look like a bamfasaurus with it, but then again i dunno if u have curses then i think ccb would be more useful, if not then idk which one would be more useful, in the long term i suggest getting ccb because from what I've heard dungeoneering prayers will be deleted and replaces with mage/range turmoil versions on curses at 95 pray.


ccb makes you look better tbh, + you got curses so you wont be using rigour in wild either ;o


i dont intend on using the crossbow in the wild either id be using chaotic maul/greater runic staff :) ill get the crossbow though


Get both but get ccb first for looks my man


ccb is essential if ur a maxed out pure


yeh ill be waterfiending it up after i get ccb then thanks :)

Posted (edited)

ur fucking huge m8 big dick fam u go girl

Steel titan 1st

and yes to this

Edited by Foe Andrew

Join foe


ill be reapping but i know i wouldnt be able make trips this or next weekend so im gonna app the week after

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