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his name is lil eppl!!

like a month ago someone made a topic saying how 1 def will still be good after EOC, so i started this account back up and trained via the free dunge bot, took like 30 days for these stats about 18-23 hours a day cus it logs out after 6 hours. not gonna stop botting, going for maxed 1 def so will still be viable after the EOC

just got all mage stuff for the moment cus ive never had a chaotic staff or augury on eppl and shit is fun to hit 450 barrages at 78 combat, and everything else i can do better on eppl. dont feel that overloads are necessary really just to slave mage


just wanted to show that its still real easy to get a clan-ready account very quickly, although its not perfect, an acc like this is very viable for clanning- and it could be yours, for no cost (except pray cost like 15m) and only takes a month- so for all mains that are reading, go and make a pure and join foe.


looks like mine acc :p (expect the dung)


sweet pure, if you still got big eppl use that as spy :p


looks like mine acc :p (expect the dung)

he made a account as good as yours in 30 days so sad


Awe so cuteeeeeeeeee


That's sick dude! Really like the stats on it

Keep up the work


Getting 77 prayer on an account like that is stupid tbh. The bonuses from Mystic (which would only cost 1 more cb lvl if you want to retain smite....) are 5x better than a +5% mage accuracy boost.


Getting 77 prayer on an account like that is stupid tbh. The bonuses from Mystic (which would only cost 1 more cb lvl if you want to retain smite....) are 5x better than a +5% mage accuracy boost.

i have a maxed 34 def account for using mystic on. as i said this is just a slave mage account, mystic wouldnt help me in preps= i consider this account perfect, just without overloads of (i) rings. and by the way i think u need to calm down about runescape i been reading your replies and u seem like a massive cunt


Getting 77 prayer on an account like that is stupid tbh. The bonuses from Mystic (which would only cost 1 more cb lvl if you want to retain smite....) are 5x better than a +5% mage accuracy boost.

i have a maxed 34 def account for using mystic on. as i said this is just a slave mage account, mystic wouldnt help me in preps= i consider this account perfect, just without overloads of (i) rings. and by the way i think u need to calm down about runescape i been reading your replies and u seem like a massive cunt

K to the fucking O

Nice job on the account btw :)

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