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| Phe Newest Video | Last Man Standing Info | NEWS: New Intro/Gfx


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¥ Video ¥




[P]ure [H]ouse [E]ntertainment

Phe is a THURSDAY Event for pures to have a fun day enjoying fast killing and gaining good exp.

¥ Event Information ¥

Last Man Standing


How this will work:

There will be 3 rounds!

Everyone shall enter the house of who ever is hosting.

There will be a Countdown of when to begin from then on its a massacre and a fight for your life!

Once you have died there is going to be a secondary house for people to join and fight if you do not wish to wait outside of the portal whilst the Last man standing house portal is locked so nobody can rejoin until the next round begins.

There is 3 rounds Don't Forget


The reward for all 3 winners will be the same;

1million gp and a shout out!

¥ Starting Time/Date ¥


9:00 Gmt

4:00 Est

3:00 Central

1:00 Pacific

6:00 Aus

9:00 Nzs

¥ Location ¥

Yanille, Portal World 51


¥ Friends chat ¥

Optional to use is : Phtp_Channel

¥ Rules ¥

~20 def cap~

~Barrage ON~

~Dung ON~

~Sum oN~

~Ovls ON~

~Sol Specs oN~

~Corrupts Weps ON~

¥ Heads up Event for next week ¥

Not Decided

¥ Contact Info¥


Kingrang3194 or Seaniii

Friends Chat:

Keg_St_A_nd or Loco v2




If you have a idea for a Phe event please contact kingrang or seaniii





if i'm onn, i come

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