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FOE'S Sunday madness


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Topic By: Animal


Sunday night, P2p night. Foes primary server. We massed up peaking at about 55 people on ts and in game. Once we left the ge with the best gear we waited for a few more people to come out whilst waiting for a few more clans to come out! Clans have the cheek to say we sit in lobby all trip, pffft clearly haven't been on a FOE trip! Once we waited for clans to come out we then set off into some dominant action!

cyacunt down.


Foe vs CP

We made our way to revs and then into the crater awaiting for CP to come up so we could hit them. As they come up we ran along the crater edges being sneaky devils then we saw the first members of CP and then rushed down clearing the little guys up, some of them logged so we decided to go back into the crater and log again.

We log in to their world again and hit them again, catching a lot more of there members this time. With most of them in the lobby or dead we then decided to go onto other things!

[22:21:24] <[CP]iPKED> Light_Mayhem

[22:21:27] <[CP]iPKED> how many does foe have

[22:21:30] <Light_Mayhem> 70

[22:21:31] <[CP]iPKED> can u fuck off plz

<[CP]Dave> why are you chasing us

[22:20:13] <[CP]Dave> lol

[22:20:29] <Light_Mayhem> why are you asking me

Cheeky bit of banter, all aboard FOE's banter boat.


Foe vs Brutality

Second bit of action today was something we don't usually do, we hopped from CP and made our way to mossies. We moved north of mossies to see a few mains there, so we started attacking them then realising a shit load of white dots were running at us, so we caught the clumps killing off a few of the mains then it was a fight! With Brutality having 40 members we held them down getting the single piles down to a tee. Holding them down for a while with our spamming up high in game we decided we'd hit a bank as mains can tank forever so we was low on food. Good fun there for a change! Still hardly any PURE clans were out at this time.


Foe vs MM

We then set up a fight with MM, we spread west of corp and held it down for a while taking advantage of our ability to be able to corp teleport. We then moved to east of single by mossies, holding it down there pulling off specs, our groupd then moved to north east of mossies causing mm to mass clump on the lava which ment our magers were having a blast. This caused some mm members to return in monk robes and rag with a chaotic maul. Being out opted and ragged by monk robes we decided just to pull our specs and leave with an empty spec bar. Thanks for the fight MM.

Killed korrawi 3+ times, can't handle the Animal RUFF RUFF


Foe vs CP + EF

After getting a bank from the MM fight we swiftly moved on making our way to north east stairs, with our numbers still acceptably high we sat at north easts stairs and hopped. We logged in and rushed corp and cleared up the little guys. Clearing them up quite quick we then moved east of corp seeing our good old friend borzor haha, killing him we then moved off for a bank, to then go back up to mossies and fight random mains before doing the good old BS fest.

Y4NK DOWN ONCE AGAIN, specced out on login but managed to tele. Animal prevails as usual.


Fun trip today, a few different things occured such as fighting mains and anoying people. Good pull and forever improving! Thanks for all the fun you other clans, korrawi you may wanna buy more mage sets, dying once in mage and returning in n range is not good eh!

The charity is still open to donate to fatality, bless there souls xxxxxx












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fun trip




nice job, soz i couldn't be there friends ;[


Wooppwoopp foe pride


Had fun, first trip in p2p with foe :)


we might not have won the fights but as the under dogs we banged some cunts with absolute style

goodjob ALL who ATTENDED =]


nice job, soz i couldn't be there friends ;[



Good job boys, next week will be better.

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